Fina alone?


New member
Can someone tell me if taking Fina by itself is going to be effective enough. Ive taken a 10-week cycle of Test400 and Winstrol (winny) once before and had good results. Just because of the availability of those I've switched to just fina because its easier to acquire. I bought a H-cartridge with a 6G F-type kit. Already started the cycle...been on for about a week. Should I add Test400 with it or am I going to get results with the fina by itself.
*Should be moved to appropriate forum...

As for your question, yes I would add tk-400 to your cycle. Test/tren is one of my favorite cycles and you'll get great results. Seeing as how you've already started to tren, and the test has a considerablly longer ester, you should either frontload for the first 2-3 weeks or better yet get some prop and run that with the tren untill your t-400 builds up max blood levels.
As PB said, since this only your second cycle, test only would be best. But since that is not really an option at this point since you've already started the tren, you can start the test now and go for ~12wks with it. You should then use the tren for about 6-8 weeks, at the front of your cycle.
thanks for the reply....what do you mean by frontload for 2-3 weeks first? What if I took 200ml of prop a week for 5 weeks with the tren..then switch over to test400..does that sound like a good thing to do?
you need to start the long ester now along with short ester if you gonna do it.

i am not a fan of front loading (using larger doses to start a cycle).

get some d bol if you want and just use it for 4 or 5 weeks and add the long ester test now.

or......just do the tren as you had planned on. youll get results. i have done tren only and got nice strength gains.