FINA:How is it to be stored before and after conversion?


New member
I read somewhere that its to be refrigerated, is this correct? Before its converted(pellet form) and in liquid form is it to be refrigerated?
Are you sure your not thinking of HCG. I have never heard of fina having to be refrigerated.
The only reason finaplix recomends refrigerating the pellets is if you were going to shoot them into your cow with an implant gun. So the pellets dont swell. If your converting it it doesnt matter. Just store it in a cool dark place like under your bed or in a closet.
mdagz said:
The only reason finaplix recomends refrigerating the pellets is if you were going to shoot them into your cow with an implant gun. So the pellets dont swell. If your converting it it doesnt matter. Just store it in a cool dark place like under your bed or in a closet.

Yep, beat me to it :)