Fina kit without Instructions help?


New member
I ordered a 4g cart off and didn't get instructions, but seem to have all the goodies and two cartridges of Fina. I got F type instructions off of Universal The five step process i found is as follows. I don't see anything in here about cooking it either and I read that cooking at 250 degrees for 30 minutes is a must. What is the solvent part of the kit and could someone elaborate on the exact process off steps 2 and 3 I've not a chemist and don't want to fuck this up! Are these good instructions? Please advise I'm ready to stick it! I'm already on EQ and Winstrol (winny) and pleased but looking for the next level of rip and just a few more pounds minus 2% more percent bodyfat!

Step 1
Smash pellets into a fine powder

Step 2
Add powder to dissolving solution (2mls per cart) Shake until fully dissolved up to 15 minutes.

Step 3
Add oil (set aside 5mls), place sealed vial in hot water for 10 minutes to fully release hormones, shake vigorously and dump into coffee filter fixed to a glass or ceramic container. Allow to drip through (this removes binders and fillers) and swirl around gently to help through filter. Once all has passed through just throw away coffee filter ( This does take a long time so you may want to ring the filter to speed things up).

Step 4
Now pull mixture into syringe, attach syringe filter and pin and push through into sterile sealed vial.

Step 5
Now detach filter and pin, pull remaining oil into syringe, attach filter and pin again and push through into mixture until 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100mls is reached in vial. This will purge the filter of any remaining product and complete our conversion.

As long as there are no particles in the final yield you have very clean and sterile product.
FleshGordon said:
I ordered a 4g cart off and didn't get instructions, but seem to have all the goodies and two cartridges of Fina. I got F type instructions off of Universal The five step process i found is as follows. I don't see anything in here about cooking it either and I read that cooking at 250 degrees for 30 minutes is a must. What is the solvent part of the kit and could someone elaborate on the exact process off steps 2 and 3 I've not a chemist and don't want to fuck this up! Are these good instructions? Please advise I'm ready to stick it! I'm already on EQ and Winstrol (winny) and pleased but looking for the next level of rip and just a few more pounds minus 2% more percent bodyfat!

Step 1
Smash pellets into a fine powder

Step 2
Add powder to dissolving solution (2mls per cart) Shake until fully dissolved up to 15 minutes.

Step 3
Add oil (set aside 5mls), place sealed vial in hot water for 10 minutes to fully release hormones, shake vigorously and dump into coffee filter fixed to a glass or ceramic container. Allow to drip through (this removes binders and fillers) and swirl around gently to help through filter. Once all has passed through just throw away coffee filter ( This does take a long time so you may want to ring the filter to speed things up).

Step 4
Now pull mixture into syringe, attach syringe filter and pin and push through into sterile sealed vial.

Step 5
Now detach filter and pin, pull remaining oil into syringe, attach filter and pin again and push through into mixture until 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100mls is reached in vial. This will purge the filter of any remaining product and complete our conversion.

As long as there are no particles in the final yield you have very clean and sterile product.

its 275f for 1 hour. I have never used a coffee filter. I dont like his instructs. it'll work but may not be sterile. he must have a good eye if he thinks he can see bacteria floating around in the end solution.

you should have two vials with fluid in them. one is oil and the other is the solvent. the solvent is prolly clear and the oil is yellowish depending on what kinda oil it is. there will be much more oil than solvent. its prolly straight BA anyways.

you dont have to smash the pellets. just add them to solvent. heat on a hot plate on meduim low swirling occasionally til they dissolve. 15 minutes or so.

add oil and heat again on medium and the gunk will seperate out and stick to the bottm.

draw off gold and filter. you may have a little waste but no more than you would have using coffee filter. leave a little gold at the bottom so you dont draw up gunk as that will clog the filter/filters. you can use it next time so save it.

preheat oven to 275f and then add aspirated vial and let bake for an hour. after it cools take it out a do you a shot. make sure toi calibrate you oven with a baking thermometer. you can buy them at walmart.
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Re: Re: Fina kit without Instructions help?

pullinbig said:
its 275f for 1 hour. I have never used a coffee filter. I dont like his instructs. it'll work but may not be sterile. he must have a good eye if he thinks he can see bacteria floating around in the end solution.

you should have two vials with fluid in them. one is oil and the other is the solvent. the solvent is prolly clear and the oil is yellowish depending on what kinda oil it is. there will be much more oil than solvent. its prolly straight BA anyways.

you dont have to smash the pellets. just add them to solvent. heat on a hot plate on meduim low swirling occasionally til they dissolve. 15 minutes or so.

add oil and heat again on medium and the gunk will seperate out and stick to the bottm.

draw off gold and filter. you may have a little waste but no more than you would have using coffee filter. leave a little gold at the bottom so you dont draw up gunk as that will clog the filter/filters. you can use it next time so save it.

preheat oven to 275f and then add aspirated vial and let bake for an hour. after it cools take it out a do you a shot. make sure toi calibrate you oven with a baking thermometer. you can buy them at walmart.
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