fina shelf life?


New member
If I buy finaplix how long will it be good for
if I don't have a frigerator. I can keep it in a dark closet, temerature low 70's. If I convert it will it last longer? If so how long?

It will not last very long with out a frig. the pellets must be stored in a refrigerater at all times. You can tell if they are going bad the color will change from yellow to brown. If they are brown I would not use them.If you convert them they will last alot longer ,stored in a cool dark place I guess about a year. but that is only my opinion.
I had heard that the only reason to keep them refrigerated was to keep the pellets hard for use in the cattle injector device.
buffdoc said:
I had heard that the only reason to keep them refrigerated was to keep the pellets hard for use in the cattle injector device.
thats what i hear too bro
well, I guess you bro's are right, I just assumed they had to be refrig. because they were packed in dry ice when I got them from the vet. I have been taking fina pellets since Dan D. told us about them in the early 90's . back then we used only DMSO, and they just seemed stronger back then, I guess my body has developed a tolerance for them. I have also used the old finajet 30mg. per cc. But, that was the good old days!!!!!!