Final okay from the veterans of the game...?

Okay guys! I have everything in hand and just want the final okay from the veterans that my cycle is good to go!

Test E 500mg per week for 12 weeks
Dbol 40mg/day for first 4 weeks of cycle
Aromasin 12.5mg eOd 15 weeks
Hcg 500iu per week 12 weeks
Liv52 for 5 weeks

Clomid 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen 40mg for 14 days / 20mg everyday for 14 day

Thanks for the help Gents!
As far as cycle layout goes it looks good just watch for signs of elevated E2 if your only using 12.5mgs EOD, just be weary as dbol is an estrogen bomb
I personally wouldn't double the dose of nova for more than the first week of pct but nothing wrong with it if you wanna do it.
Personally I like to take a liv supplement through out the cycle but again its a personal opinion
Yeah, the dbol even gets me on E2 and I would only run adex at .25 E3D on test/ deca. Also, I would run liv52 whole cycle and add NAC to first 5 weeks.
I would dose the aromasin e/d at 12.5 mg's and I would drop the liv52 if I were you. Just take NAC (N-acetyl cysteine). It protects the liver a lot better than liv52. But, you could run both at the same time. Doesn't hurt to be safe.