final thoughts


New member
Im running close to the end of my first cycle of a sdrol clone, first off I have a new found respect for this stuff because it is crazy!

I've got my pct lined up but need some final clarification, because im constantly reading new articles and opinions.

Here goes, initially I was going to do the full otc pct route, but have heard negative thoughts and went ahead and purchased some clomid to be safe. My concern is that I've recently read when using both a SERM and otc pct option you should run the SERM at a lower dosage, is this fact?

Week 4-8
Clomid 70/70/35/35
Unleashed / Post Cycle combo
Double dose of bridge (no hcg)

Should I only run the clomid at 35 the entire time?
Oh, I suppose I should post my cycle, which so far has been:

Week 1-4
Beastdrol 20/30/20/?
Formastanzol 0/0/0/?
Forged Liver Support

I should have ran HCG, regret that I didn't now but lesson learned. I'm trying to find a suitable alternative for on cycle since it appears to always be out of stock.

Starting weight: 198
Current weight: 211
Diet: Started at 3400 now at 3900 Cals from all fish/chicken protein NO red meats

Routine is 4 day split 2 day barbell 2 day dumbbell (its what works best for me, exercises rotate every 3 weeks)

Not sure any of that matters or pertains to a proper post cycle therapy (pct), but figured I would throw it out there.
Bump, my cycle ends next week, but wanted to get an idea before then if I should run the clomid at 35 across or maybe not at all. Any help is much appreciated.
