Finally going to pop my cherry!


New member
Iron Slayers!

Been lurking on this sit for a few months and finally decided to make an account. This will be my first ever steroid cycle and hoping to make some gains! About myself, been training naturally for 5 years and thinking of doing a cycle for 2 years now. Stats: 6'2, 230 lbs, 25 years old. Bench: 325, Dead: 525, Squat: 405. The Cycle: Test E week 1 @ 600mcgs and weeks 2 though 12 with 400mcgs and kickstarted with 5 MG of LGD 4033 for 3 weeks. Taking Aromasin @ 12.5mcg every three days throughout the cycle. HCG started at week 4 @ 500 mcgs/week split into two doses. Will stop HCG two weeks after last Pin of test. The PCT: Starting one week after last shot of HCG. Nolvadex at 20/20/20/20. D-Aspartic Acid. IGF1-LR3. What do you fella's think? Kill!
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Yikes! This definitely needs adjusted. No need to pin 600mgs at week one. It does absolutely nothing. You're using a long ester compound which takes atleast 4 weeks to kick in. That would be a waste of gear. Just run the same dose throughout.

Aromasin needs to be taken daily. It's half life is too short for e3d doses. You must be confusing it with adex, which is still a stretch at e3d doses.

Hcg should be ran from beginning of cycle up to pct. Same with your ai. Your pct timing is a little short too. Go 3 weeks after last pin minimum. Look up pct calculator online for a better idea on that.

Now that I gave you the cliff notes to a first cycle, go read the beginner cycle stickys so you know why I said what I said.

Btw, only things that belong in pct are nolva and clomid. That is it! Don't add anything else.

Now go study up so you don't screw yourself up :)
Impressive lifts natty fool... 6'2, 230, ur either pretty jacked or somewhere above 20% body fat. Would be better to work on your diet rather than jump on gear if the latter. If not tbone just told u what's up good luck either way bud! And welcome!
Alright so an Aromasin daily and HCG throughout. I'll take a look at that PCT calculator to get a better idea. I was starting the nolva 3 weeks after my last pin of Test. Was I supposed to do it three weeks after my last HCG dose? The HCG I was running until two weeks after the last Test shot. Thanks for being honest guys. The more brutal the better! And Gibson I am roughly 20% BF. Strength is the goal however not so much the looks for me. I'll go read a book now on all these stickies haha
Ive seen worse proposed first cycles, lol. yeah, save your gear and just run 500mg/wk OP. Since its prolly dosed at 250mg/ml.
Yikes! This definitely needs adjusted. No need to pin 600mgs at week one. It does absolutely nothing. You're using a long ester compound which takes atleast 4 weeks to kick in. That would be a waste of gear. Just run the same dose throughout.

Aromasin needs to be taken daily. It's half life is too short for e3d doses. You must be confusing it with adex, which is still a stretch at e3d doses.

Hcg should be ran from beginning of cycle up to pct. Same with your ai. Your pct timing is a little short too. Go 3 weeks after last pin minimum. Look up pct calculator online for a better idea on that.

Now that I gave you the cliff notes to a first cycle, go read the beginner cycle stickys so you know why I said what I said.

Btw, only things that belong in pct are nolva and clomid. That is it! Don't add anything else.

Now go study up so you don't screw yourself up :)

OP ya know This ^^^ is it in a nutshell. My props to Tbone for being so polite and professional with his advice. No brown nose-in here, its just the way it is. Ball is in your park OP
Portgas yeah I did! My mistake. Not sure if I can edit that. Oldmuscle who wants brown nosing? Last thing I need is "go for it brother your cycle has some holes, but you'll be fine" And then 3 months later i'm fucked up lol. I've done research but i'll do some more before I start pinning.
Portgas yeah I did! My mistake. Not sure if I can edit that. Oldmuscle who wants brown nosing? Last thing I need is "go for it brother your cycle has some holes, but you'll be fine" And then 3 months later i'm fucked up lol. I've done research but i'll do some more before I start pinning.

when are you starting your cycle?
Sorry Appleton I been awol for a bit. Started the cycle two days ago. Took one shot of 600mg of Test e. Also kickstarted with lgd 4033 at 7.5mg. From here on out for the next 11 weeks will be 400mg of Test per week. I know some will say do two shots a week and some will say one is gold. I'm going to see how it feels on the one shot a week and if I feel my hormones going up and down I'll change over to two shots. I feel why pin more unless you need too. Just experimenting and see what works for myself. I'll get some measurements today so I have a baseline reference when I finish my cycle. Haven't lifted since my first shot so it should still be the an I enhanced measurement. Today will be my first day in the gym training upper body. We'll see how it goes. I have my diet and training routine down. Now it's just putting in the work. Doing two upper body and lower body splits each, every week. One will be a light and one will be a heavy day. Also doing two high intensity and two low intensity cardio sessions a week. Doing one 24 hour fast and two intermittent fasts per week. Got my blood work done pre cycle. All is normal except slightly high cholesterol. Will limit meat consumption on cycle and eat more beans just to be safe. Two days after my first shot I feel... nothing. Maybe slightly better mentally but could be placebo. To be expected, should not notice anything until week two. As far as mentally feeling a change and better libido. Week 3-6 should start noticing gym results. Anyway I'll keep you posted. Will get some current weight and body measurements a little later today before I go to the gym. Any recommendation to measure BF without calipers?
Sorry Appleton I been awol for a bit. Started the cycle two days ago. Took one shot of 600mg of Test e. Also kickstarted with lgd 4033 at 7.5mg. From here on out for the next 11 weeks will be 400mg of Test per week. I know some will say do two shots a week and some will say one is gold. I'm going to see how it feels on the one shot a week and if I feel my hormones going up and down I'll change over to two shots. I feel why pin more unless you need too. Just experimenting and see what works for myself. I'll get some measurements today so I have a baseline reference when I finish my cycle. Haven't lifted since my first shot so it should still be the an I enhanced measurement. Today will be my first day in the gym training upper body. We'll see how it goes. I have my diet and training routine down. Now it's just putting in the work. Doing two upper body and lower body splits each, every week. One will be a light and one will be a heavy day. Also doing two high intensity and two low intensity cardio sessions a week. Doing one 24 hour fast and two intermittent fasts per week. Got my blood work done pre cycle. All is normal except slightly high cholesterol. Will limit meat consumption on cycle and eat more beans just to be safe. Two days after my first shot I feel... nothing. Maybe slightly better mentally but could be placebo. To be expected, should not notice anything until week two. As far as mentally feeling a change and better libido. Week 3-6 should start noticing gym results. Anyway I'll keep you posted. Will get some current weight and body measurements a little later today before I go to the gym. Any recommendation to measure BF without calipers?
Thanks for sharing. why cut down on meat? Why 1 24 hour fast per week?

could you please separate your paragraphs next time as its a little hard to read in one block.

Looking forward to your updates!
Cutting down on meat because of the cholesterol. It won't be eliminated, but I'll eat meat only once per day. As far as the fasting aspect... for health reasons. I've been doing it for awhile and it helps me feel better mentally and physically giving the digestive track a rest. Lots of research into the health benefits of IF. Only doing it on cardio or non lifting days.
Day 12.
Strength: same

Pumps: same

Weight: +7lbs (mostly water I'm sure)

Focus: some days I feel normal, even tired. Some days I feel great. Only had one or two good days out of the ordinary. If I feel like that or even better on cycle that'll be phucking awesome.

Really excited for this to kick in already
Day 23.
Strength: same, but reps is starting to feel a little easier than starting week. Haven't tried really pushing it yet because of a lack of sleep. Averaging 6 hours a night because of my schedule.

Pumps: slightly more vascular. Notice a little bit more fullness in muscles as well as a couple veins starting to show in forearms that weren't visible before.

Weight: +11 lbs. Taking 25mg of aromasin every other day now. Don't want the water weight.

Focus: Feel pretty normal. Think what I felt after second week was placebo maybe. Could also be the lack of sleep doing it. I'll try to make that a priority moving forward to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep a night.
High protein, moderate carbs and fats. Don't measure anything out I just eat until I'm full. I'd probably guess at about 250 grams of protein per day based on the food and shakes I get in on my training days. Honestly I use the mirror as a gage. If I'm looking a little bloated I'll cut back on the fat and carbs a bit. I know people will say eat your face off but I have that skinny fat body type. Harder to gain muscle and easier to get fat around the midsection. So yes I could eat until I feel like puking, and I'll probably get bigger, but I'll also be a fat ass.
Day 30.

Strength: beginning of cycle did 245x5 for 2 sets on bench. Today I did 245x8 for 3 sets. Started cycle at 225x10 for 3 sets on deadlift. Now doing 365x8 for 3 sets. Definitely coming along. My numbers were low at the beginning of my cycle because of an injured back. The Test is helping me to get back to where I was before my injury at a very rapid pace.

Pumps: roughly the same.

Weight: same

Focus: Feel demotivated and tired. Think I may be overtraining because I'm trying to push it too much knowing "I'm on". Going to take a much needed day off. Maybe two.