Finally going to pop my cherry!

I am going to give you props for waiting until you are 25. It had to be rough, but you did it. Good for you, your body will thank you when you are older. One of the last things the body finishes making is the sleeves that cover your nerves. If you use AAS to put you above normal human levels, those sleeves do not develop properly. As you age, they slowly deteriorate (for everyone, not just AAS users). Once the sleeves got too thin, they allow cross-talk between the nerves (electrical signals from one nerve get received by another). This is why many old people shake so much and have poor motor control. The last thing you want to do is do that to yourself on purpose. :)

Good for you.
Thanks cybrsage. I didn't know about the nerves, but I read up on people really messing up their endocrine systems from starting too early. I definitely think taking the plunge is a huge step and one that needs to be thought out. We undergo the needle for various reasons, but for me it's really seeing what this body is capable of. A 365+ bench, 575+ dead, 450+ back squat, 385+ front squat, and 315+ C&J are my goals this cycle. Pretty aggressive numbers, but I think I can get them if not pretty close.
Doing good OP. As I read your Thread I wanna say be patient. As I went on it seems you are doing better with the patient aspect and you see it does take time ( a few weeks ).

You are correct in that you gains in weight are water. If you understand what al synergistically has to happen to build / grow new and more LMM you understand it cannot happen in even several weeks. Remember I am speaking of LMM.

Now I tell you that you can eat all you want and not gain FAT tissue if you keep some aerobics in your training routine. Even just 30 + minutes of , say the stationary bike or something AFTER your workout each day. MY favorite that works for me is the stationary bike, so is why I always mention it. For me it is not over taxing. I don't hold much fat% as an ecto... anyway so it works just right for me.

Good to use that mirror because at the end of the day it is what we point our goals at as to what we want to see..... eventually. Measuring inches can be so deceiving due to water subcutaneously held.

You can watch for water on your ankles , looking at them when you take your socks off before propping up.

Good Luck
Day 30.

Strength: beginning of cycle did 245x5 for 2 sets on bench. Today I did 245x8 for 3 sets. Started cycle at 225x10 for 3 sets on deadlift. Now doing 365x8 for 3 sets. Definitely coming along. My numbers were low at the beginning of my cycle because of an injured back. The Test is helping me to get back to where I was before my injury at a very rapid pace.

Pumps: roughly the same.

Weight: same

Focus: Feel demotivated and tired. Think I may be overtraining because I'm trying to push it too much knowing "I'm on". Going to take a much needed day off. Maybe two.

No mater how fast the AAS helps us recover we must remember that REST is a key element to the repairing and the growing of muscle tissue. For me I can tell the aches and the loss of strength in a muscle ( like bicep) when I have been over doing it and it needs rest.

The other form of over training I get at my age and even when I was younger is the running out of energy. Total body fatigue. Taking not more then 2 days off should keep you in a schedule of each body part twice in one week.

Good Luck
Thanks OMM.

I took your advice and gave been eating as much as I want, when I want. Don't really fast at all anymore haha. Guess I'll bulk the entire cycle and gain as much as I can and do a slow cut afterwards if needed. As far as rest goes even if you're on AAS I understand first hand that rest is key. Had some crappy workouts last week because of a messed up sleep schedule. Oh shift work. I bought some sleeping pills to help with that. On a good note I did get some good numbers. Hit 295 for some singles on bench and went up to 475 on deads
Good deal Gamble808 :dance2: now just stay the course. AND keep coming back to your thread and giving us update reports. We like to hear how people are doing with their cycle.
Day 48
Strength: Hit 500 for deads last week. Missed a 315 bench. Angry about that. I feel like I should be at least at my old max by now. Oh well time to shovel more food lol.

Weight: +14 lbs

Focus: in the gym I'm a machine. Outside the gym I'm pretty normal. Did feel a little emo last week though. Felt like I'm not seeing the gains I've expected to see and so I felt like not even steroids will get me to where I've wanted to be as quick as I wanted. Even went so far to say even natties are stronger than me and that's unacceptable while I'm on the sauce lol. But I told myself to stop being a puss and give it all you got. That's all you can do.

Pumps: filling out in the shoulders and especially mid back. Mid back looks pretty damn good I think. Legs leave more to be desired but I'll focus more on them over the next few weeks
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Watch that weight gain for water. It's fun and we like looking bigger but not when we just lose it. W

With good MM we look bigger when lean
No so in cloths but with tank tops and without. Also the added weight even water helps our lifts.

On the long haul I find the experience BB er likes a leaner look
IMOP :laugh:
thanks for the updates, keep it coming and continued good luck on your cherry popping.
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What's good MM? I'm taking 25mg aromasin EOD should I take it every day for a little while?

So sorry I don't understand what YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND about my comment of good muscle mass.

A guy that trains for a few years and has put on a good amount of MUSCLE MASS can either show it by being lean or not show the hard MM by holding on to water n some fat tissue.

You see a guy can have abs and they not show for an example until he leans out
Off season most competitive BB ers still have this good abs but at the time have round stomachs. It isn't till they.lose the water n fat tissue that you then say " oh wow look at the abs he has " wen all the time they were / are there.

There is a big man but the same man can look smaller in cloths when leaned out look bigger without cloths
A much bigger and a true BB ' er look.
Get it.