Finally legal, thank you IMT.


I am banned!
Wanted to write my own thread too so everyone can read these IMT experiences and decide on their own what to do.

I started TRT illegally by using UGL test-eth at 100mg per-week, along with the typical 500iu hCG and .5mg arimidex split into two doses per-week. This worked great considering it's cheap right? Did it this way for nearly 3 months before it became inconvenient. Not being able to admit being on some meds can be tricky, especially if symptoms appear. I also live in NY there for PrivateMDlabs is a pain for me to use, I have to drive 3.5hr one way just to get labs. My thyroid panel kept coming back a bit funky and my GP wanted to do a full assault of labs - last thing I needed on record was a 736 TT with no LH or FSH, things just kept getting harder to dodge. You can only skip around lies for so long.

I made the leap and contacted Todd from IMT, asked some basics and pretty much what we needed to start. He replied of course but I never followed up because I thought it would be to expensive. I inquired again a few weeks later with a request for pricing and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as much money as I thought it would be. I went ahead this time with a 16 weeks plan of test cyp 120mg a week 500iu's of hCG weekly, also paid for arimidex. Everything was painless to get to them, I had my GP office fax my labs and physical, uploaded ID and patient forms online.

Met with Doc R on FaceTime the following week for the first visit, he was awesome and thorough, explained things quickly without dragging it out. He agreed with the protocol except use of an AI, Todd refunded the AI money within a few ours of the appointment - super nice thing to do. Meds were ordered directly after appointment and shipped overnight, took a few days as the pharm had to restock hCG but shit happens.

The pharmacy it was shipped from was incredible, the hCG was actually packaged for our type of use. Meaning they included 30ml of bac water and a 10ml syringe for mixing, not the crap single use solution. They also gave me a few extra IU then needed for 16 weeks.

These guys are also great to vets, giving us a small discount and a better avenue... so far I have not met a doc who understands TRT at the VA.
Glad you got something that worked out. Hope that thyroid straightens itself out too.

TSH seems to be coming down, but still a little jumpy at times and a bit high for my liking. Prior to TRT it was over 5 and now it's 3.5.

A least now I can get a full blood work up and not have to dodge questions.
Good deal! Glad you had a good experience so far. Something to be said for being legal. Helps if you're traveling too lol. It's a bit harder to get UGL gear through TSA and Customs.