Finasteride and Estrogen???


New member
Ok.... my question is how much does finasteride effect estrogen while on aas?? Cuz i am experiencing itchy, puffy nips in 18 days of my cycle.... I am currently running 500mg/enathate, 200mg/eq and 25mg of dbol(only for first 3 weeks but stopped early due to this) And i take about 1.25mg finasteride/daily and .25mg am not holding water but i am not sure why I am experiencing this so early in my cycle? I just started taking 40mg/daily of nolva.
If i stop taking finasteride will this help
P.S about 5 years ago on a cycle of dbol. omna and deca i developed gyno but had it surgically removed does this mean I am at a higher risk to develop gyno again or since i had all the fatty tissue removed am i at less risk....the rest of cycle consists of prop,tren,winny.