Finish my summer cycle!! Pick a compound!!


New member
Hi guys, thanks for all your input on my other threads about bridging and giving me an idea of the bet compounds to run on a bridge.
Now Im looking for one last thought from everyone. I'll be doing a summer body recomp/bulk.
Height: 6'4"
Currently: 210lbs
BF: 9%

I anticipate to be 205lbs and 7-8% BF in 3 more weeks when my cutter ends and maybe drop .5% during my bridge (I'll be on clen which I am now)

I've decided PART of my cycle for the summer.
Test E 250 Weekly
Tren A 850 weekly (comfortable spot for me was always 750, tolerated extremely well
EQ 600 Weekly
Now... Let's add one more that I been looking at
I can afford HGH at 4-6iu a day for the entire cycle IF I don't include MASTERON.
PSL has some good prices and I can pretty much afford it for longer than my cycle. My cycle will be 16 weeks (to get the most out of EQ) with Tren only staying at 12 weeks.
HGH fat loss effects I heard are noticeable about after a month or so, keeping me lean during the summer body recomp.
Masteron on the other hand works faster, gives me a better look, harder, vascular... It's a cosmetic drug in all.
Maybe HGH will help me put a bit of muscle too?

Edit: BTW I'm 27... If that matters at all in picking HGH
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Hmmmm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't HGH a very long term thing? I am not sure how you can call it a summer cycle. From what I've heard, you need to take it for a minimum 6 months to see any results.

Also why such little test and such high tren??

I would go:
500mg Test E
850 Tren A(well I would never do this personally unless I was getting paid to do it)
EQ 600
Masteron 100mg EOD
Hmmmm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't HGH a very long term thing? I am not sure how you can call it a summer cycle. From what I've heard, you need to take it for a minimum 6 months to see any results.

Also why such little test and such high tren??

I would go:
500mg Test E
850 Tren A(well I would never do this personally unless I was getting paid to do it)
EQ 600
Masteron 100mg EOD

I believe in TRT dose of test with Tren to keep sides almost non existent. Works for me like a charm, all the time. And yes I was thinking the same about HGH taking time to kick in, but isn't it affecting your body and making small changes as soon as its pinned? It's sort of like with long esters, once pinned, it's there and making all kinds of effects and havoc but don't peak until week 5-6
Masteron run it high trust me your not gonna build muscle on 4-6iu of generics if it was 6iu of fda gh then yes. Not sure 600eq is enough either i just stopped mine just didnt seem worth it to keep pinning it i was at about a gram i did get some nice delts out of it though, bp was harder to control on eq and tren
Masteron run it high trust me your not gonna build muscle on 4-6iu of generics if it was 6iu of fda gh then yes. Not sure 600eq is enough either i just stopped mine just didnt seem worth it to keep pinning it i was at about a gram i did get some nice delts out of it though, bp was harder to control on eq and tren

One for masteron.
The EQ I was thinking maybe 900 but I would have to really watch my RBC count and donate blood.600 basically just made me more vascular. No high BP. Maybe I can tolerate 300 more.
Hmmmm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't HGH a very long term thing? I am not sure how you can call it a summer cycle. From what I've heard, you need to take it for a minimum 6 months to see any results.

Also why such little test and such high tren??

I would go:
500mg Test E
850 Tren A(well I would never do this personally unless I was getting paid to do it)
EQ 600
Masteron 100mg EOD

Thats not true bro i am taking 3iu of seros and getting good benefits like deep sleep noticeable fat loss. One day i decided to inject a whole vial 18iu no b.s i woke up looking lean and larger and my shoulders looked amazing in the light they were striated that only lasted a day but showed me how powerful fda gh really is ive been in like 2 months
Hmmmm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't HGH a very long term thing? I am not sure how you can call it a summer cycle. From what I've heard, you need to take it for a minimum 6 months to see any results.

Also why such little test and such high tren??

I would go:
500mg Test E
850 Tren A(well I would never do this personally unless I was getting paid to do it)
EQ 600
Masteron 100mg EOD

Another for masteron.
With your bf and desired bf at end result, I would use mast. Should compliment muscle tone and hard grainy look really well with a summer tan! Hgh$$$ and long term, don't think you would achieve the look you want in a timely manner when summer is upon us really soon.
Masteron -- you'll get plenty of synergy with those compounds together.. And by keeping your test low your aromatization will be low being the mast eq and tren don't aromatize.. You'll stay dry and hard
Masteron -- you'll get plenty of synergy with those compounds together.. And by keeping your test low your aromatization will be low being the mast eq and tren don't aromatize.. You'll stay dry and hard

He won't bloat up from aromitization but there's still a chance for lactation. Always drink any of the milk that squirts out to get better gains from the cycle.

Fuck the gh and run the mast at a high dose. Do 800mg wk if you can afford it. EQ at 800 also and watch the rbc count. Fuck what others say I have seen EQ turn people into veiny monsters at high doses.
I would just do test/tren/mast. Drop the eq. If you cant grow on that well eq sure ain't going to help either.