First blast cycle (On TRT) - Arimidex or Aromasin?


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First blast cycle (On TRT) - Arimidex or Aromasin + Mast or Anavar


So iv been on TRT a while (not going into background of why but head trauma), and I'm doing my first 'blast' may 1st.

My trt script is 1ml (test e 250) E 10 DAYS.

My cycle will be Test Prop 400mg per week on top of my TRT dose, so 1ml EOD thereabouts.

I don't need an AI on my trt dose and sit within a nice 20-30 pmol estradiol reading.

Im thinking either 0.25 Arimidex EOD or 6.25 Aromasin ED.

My thoughts are below which is why i need help deciding...

1. Aromasin is better on blood lipids, but I'm only running it for a short period (8 weeks) so that shouldn't be too big an issue. Secondly since its suicidal i don't want to crush my estrogen too bad and struggle to come out of low estrogen. (I won't be getting bloods done on cycle as my TRT doc would find out obviously... UK)

2. Arimidex doesn't have the benefits above on the blood lipids, but does have the benefit of if estro did get too low i could drop dose and be back to normal shortly after. Only negative is can you get more rebound in this situation?

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Just forget about the test prop and add 700 mg of masteron for your blast along with your trt dose and you won't have to worry about an AI or testosterone related sides at all - Just an idea :)

Add one more negative to arimidex.. It's slightly liver toxic
Just forget about the test prop and add 700 mg of masteron for your blast along with your trt dose and you won't have to worry about an AI or testosterone related sides at all - Just an idea :)

Add one more negative to arimidex.. It's slightly liver toxic

Id rather go for test on my first cycle and see how it feels, haven't even started to look into masteron.

Another question, i can get 10ml prop from Unigen but how do i know if its a multi use vial? I don't want to be leaving it in a syringe for up to 2 weeks...

(I have had a quick look at mast, still think i want to run higher T dose but i was going to add anavar, maybe i add mast instead?)
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Yeah I hear you . I was exactly where you were at a few years ago. Just got on trt and decided to do my first blast and went test only. Test is all you really need for a first blast,, see how your body reacts to supraphysiological levels of test. I responded well to my first blast

View attachment 561264

Post a pic of the vial.. It's prob just a standard 100mg/10 ml bottle of test and would be multi use
Yeah I hear you . I was exactly where you were at a few years ago. Just got on trt and decided to do my first blast and went test only. Test is all you really need for a first blast,, see how your body reacts to supraphysiological levels of test. I responded well to my first blast

View attachment 561264

Thanks, ill pm you the picture incase its against forum rules or w/e...

Thinking of maybe adding mast instead of var now? agh you have got me in a predicament over what to choose!

Trt + mast
Trt + test + mast/var...

Just finishing my cut so looking for lean/recomp gains with calls slightly above maintenance...

Post a pic of the vial.. It's prob just a standard 100mg/10 ml bottle of test and would be multi use
Another question, i can get 10ml prop from Unigen but how do i know if its a multi use vial? I don't want to be leaving it in a syringe for up to 2 weeks...

Well, 10mL isn't any kind of single use dose so I think the vial is a fair assumption.
Well, 10mL isn't any kind of single use dose so I think the vial is a fair assumption.

I should have guess as much i guess haha, do you have any input on what cycle option best suits my goals?

I have just finished cutting and want to lean bulk/recomp more on a blast cycle

My trt dose is 250mg test e every 10 days.

I have two ideas.

1. 400mg test prop + trt dose + anavar
2. trt dose + 600mg mast

High dose mast seems to be a very expensive option... maybe i could use it instead of var though?
Well being your on trt you have the ability to experiment .. You don't have to have a fixed set in stone 12 week cycle.. Being you already have test as your base you can basically blast any compound you choose at any time u choose.

I'd start with just getting your test levels up to super-physiological levels,, and see how you feel with that. You can get there the fastest running test prop -- I'd up my trt dose to 250 mg every 5 days and then do 150mg eod of test prop for 5 weeks.. Then you can drop the test prop and maintain those high levels with a long ester test at 500 mg a week.. If things are going well then add another compound like mast.
Just my 2 cents
Well being your on trt you have the ability to experiment .. You don't have to have a fixed set in stone 12 week cycle.. Being you already have test as your base you can basically blast any compound you choose at any time u choose.

I'd start with just getting your test levels up to super-physiological levels,, and see how you feel with that. You can get there the fastest running test prop -- I'd up my trt dose to 250 mg every 5 days and then do 150mg eod of test prop for 5 weeks.. Then you can drop the test prop and maintain those high levels with a long ester test at 500 mg a week.. If things are going well then add another compound like mast.
Just my 2 cents

Thanks, the reason for the prop is I'm not sure when my next checkup will be, and it could be within 3 months so it was the best option to return to trt levels the fastest...

I think ill go

Trt dose + 400mg Test prop + Var, from what iv read you need to be very lean to let masteron really shine
Thanks, the reason for the prop is I'm not sure when my next checkup will be, and it could be within 3 months so it was the best option to return to trt levels the fastest...

I think ill go

Trt dose + 400mg Test prop + Var, from what iv read you need to be very lean to let masteron really shine

Good call on running a short ester test just in case you need it to clear for doctors visit..

Masteron is a synergestic compound,, it works well with other compounds and makes them work better essentially-- It helps put on hard grainy quality muscle,, so yeah if your body fat is up there you won't be able to see what you've accomplished under that layer of fat (even though it's there)..

Here's an example of how I'm using masteron - I'm currently bulking
Weeks 1-8 NPP 300 mg
Weeks 1-14 deca 400 mg
Test as my base 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 dbol 40 mg ed
Weeks 1-22 proviron 75 mg ed

Then at week 9 I bring in more compounds as I will soon be entering into a cut phase
Weeks 9-22 masteron 600 mg
Weeks 9-22 primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-22 tbol 70 mg ed

By week 20-22 the masteron should be shining as I hope to be low body fat by then
Good call on running a short ester test just in case you need it to clear for doctors visit..

Masteron is a synergestic compound,, it works well with other compounds and makes them work better essentially-- It helps put on hard grainy quality muscle,, so yeah if your body fat is up there you won't be able to see what you've accomplished under that layer of fat (even though it's there)..

Here's an example of how I'm using masteron - I'm currently bulking
Weeks 1-8 NPP 300 mg
Weeks 1-14 deca 400 mg
Test as my base 400 mg
Weeks 1-5 dbol 40 mg ed
Weeks 1-22 proviron 75 mg ed

Then at week 9 I bring in more compounds as I will soon be entering into a cut phase
Weeks 9-22 masteron 600 mg
Weeks 9-22 primobolan 400 mg
Weeks 16-22 tbol 70 mg ed

By week 20-22 the masteron should be shining as I hope to be low body fat by then

Looks good mate! bit advanced for me yet and I'm only going for a short 8 week 'boost' cycle before my summer holiday!

I feel as though for a lean bulk the increase in T + var should get me to where i want to be... plus masteron is quite expensive, i could use it instead of Var but it seems as though Var is more likely to increase size... I'm already fairly lean (10-12%) so I'm not too worried about hardening up as such...

picture attached is last year pre trt and id say I'm 1-2 weeks cutting away from that conditioning now. (the fatty pic is when i was 15 pre trt as well haha)
Yeah your definitely lean,, You should get good results from getting test levels way up there with the prop and running the var ,, should get good quality gains on a clean bulk
Yeah your definitely lean,, You should get good results from getting test levels way up there with the prop and running the var ,, should get good quality gains on a clean bulk

I'm finishing up on 2100 calls atm, I'm thinking up to 2500 when on T + Var, then add 100 calls every week for 4 weeks (2800) then maintain from there

should get some lean gains then? or am i being conservative? i get fat quite easy for some reason, but that was pre trt and tbh my calls probs all went to fat as apposed to muscle due to hormones haha
I'm finishing up on 2100 calls atm, I'm thinking up to 2500 when on T + Var, then add 100 calls every week for 4 weeks (2800) then maintain from there

should get some lean gains then? or am i being conservative? i get fat quite easy for some reason, but that was pre trt and tbh my calls probs all went to fat as apposed to muscle due to hormones haha

What's your height and weight ? How much weight do you want to put on and at what BF % ?
I'm 5'10. 185 lbs,, Taking in 3000 calories for my current bulk to get up to 200 lbs. . But everyone's metabolism is different

Note that on this your first cycle , You may notice your weight going up quite quickly.. Don't be afraid that this weight is fat though (let the mirror be your gauge),, A lot of weight is going to come from water retention in the muscles, glycogen stores, blood volume, add on top of this an increase in nitrogen retention and your muscle cells are "volumizing" and getting bigger.. That's where most this added weight is coming from,, not fat.

A little water retention is a good thing while bulking,, this comes from a slight increase in Estro,, but keep it in check and don't let it get too high with your AI
What's your height and weight ? How much weight do you want to put on and at what BF % ?
I'm 5'10. 185 lbs,, Taking in 3000 calories for my current bulk to get up to 200 lbs. . But everyone's metabolism is different

Note that on this your first cycle , You may notice your weight going up quite quickly.. Don't be afraid that this weight is fat though (let the mirror be your gauge),, A lot of weight is going to come from water retention in the muscles, glycogen stores, blood volume, add on top of this an increase in nitrogen retention and your muscle cells are "volumizing" and getting bigger.. That's where most this added weight is coming from,, not fat.

A little water retention is a good thing while bulking,, this comes from a slight increase in Estro,, but keep it in check and don't let it get too high with your AI


Im 5,8 70kg and around 11% bf currently, goal would be 75-80kg at 10%bf ultimately but don't know if thats within reach of this 8 week cycle.

My last surplus cycle (bulk) was around 3-3200 calls but i got quite watery around the mid section, 2.8-3000 is probably a good lean bulk for myself.

On the AI side, what would you say out of the two AI's? i like the sound of aromasin 6.5mg ed but i don't want to crash my estro and end up with it being hard to get back up (aromisin being suicidal), which suggest arimidex 0.25mg eod may be the way to go?

So iv been on TRT a while (not going into background of why but head trauma), and I'm doing my first 'blast' may 1st.

My trt script is 1ml (test e 250) E 10 DAYS.

My cycle will be Test Prop 400mg per week on top of my TRT dose, so 1ml EOD thereabouts.

I don't need an AI on my trt dose and sit within a nice 20-30 pmol estradiol reading.

Im thinking either 0.25 Arimidex EOD or 6.25 Aromasin ED.

My thoughts are below which is why i need help deciding...

1. Aromasin is better on blood lipids, but I'm only running it for a short period (8 weeks) so that shouldn't be too big an issue. Secondly since its suicidal i don't want to crush my estrogen too bad and struggle to come out of low estrogen. (I won't be getting bloods done on cycle as my TRT doc would find out obviously... UK)

2. Arimidex doesn't have the benefits above on the blood lipids, but does have the benefit of if estro did get too low i could drop dose and be back to normal shortly after. Only negative is can you get more rebound in this situation?


I hate to tell you this, but Estradiol of 30pmol is really low. That is the equivalent of 8pg/ml. You really need yo get your estradiol much higher. Most guys like to be between 20-40pg/ml.
I hate to tell you this, but Estradiol of 30pmol is really low. That is the equivalent of 8pg/ml. You really need yo get your estradiol much higher. Most guys like to be between 20-40pg/ml.

Sorry i got it wrong, i tried to convert it for you USA guys but didn't change the units haha!

Mines 80Pmol on our UK reference, which works out 20-30 pg/ml