First Bulking cycle need advice


New member
My Stats right now
Weight : 77KG (169 pounds)
Height : 182 Cm ( 6 foot)
Bf : 15%
Age : 29

So I'm thinking of starting my first bulking cycle of Dianabol and winstrol
What I'm thinking of dosage is for
Dbol 30mg first week and win 50mg
Second week : Dbol 40mg and win 60mg

Just like that I'm thinking of running this cycle for 5 week I don't know much about pct my friend told me nolvadex after 5th week would be good
So what I wanted to know is my cycle any good and if you guys could recommend me any good pct or correct my dosage for dbol and winstrol if I'm wrong will be good
I'm thinking of starting my cycle on January
You say that you want to Bulk.
But Winstrol is for Cutting, and Not for Bulking, as it Dries you out, this includes your Joints.
Dbol adds lots of water if you aren't watching your Carbs, so it will Elevate Estrogen and Blood Pressure.

Doing 2 Orals Only is Very Tough on the Liver, so I don't recommend it for any Beginner.

Make life easy, do a Long Ester Test Only Cycle, like Test Cypionate or Enanthate.
Your Diet will Dictate the amount of Weight you put on, so avoid Excess Crap Carbs, keep your Diet Clean.
And you can put on 10 Lbs, maybe a bit more of Quality Muscle................................ JP
It makes No Sense to Blow-up on a Bulk, as this is just Water Weight.
Which you will lose after your Cycle is finished.
Go for a Leaner Bulk, and keep what you Gain.

Read the Sticky on PCT and Beginner Cycles ~ GOOD INFO !
This cycle is awful. Please dont do this. Test cyp 500 per week for 12 to 16 weeks. If you gain anything on this oral.cycle you will lose it immediately. Read the first cycle sticky and follow. not do this please.
You say that you want to Bulk.
But Winstrol is for Cutting, and Not for Bulking, as it Dries you out, this includes your Joints.
Dbol adds lots of water if you aren't watching your Carbs, so it will Elevate Estrogen and Blood Pressure.

Doing 2 Orals Only is Very Tough on the Liver, so I don't recommend it for any Beginner.

Make life easy, do a Long Ester Test Only Cycle, like Test Cypionate or Enanthate.
Your Diet will Dictate the amount of Weight you put on, so avoid Excess Crap Carbs, keep your Diet Clean.
And you can put on 10 Lbs, maybe a bit more of Quality Muscle................................ JP
It makes No Sense to Blow-up on a Bulk, as this is just Water Weight.
Which you will lose after your Cycle is finished.
Go for a Leaner Bulk, and keep what you Gain.

Read the Sticky on PCT and Beginner Cycles ~ GOOD INFO !

OK Welcome to the board :wavey: OP.

OP there ^^ is some important information that follow the basic principles you should know if you want to cycle. O'logy has many sticky threads that you need to read if you haven't. You can find them back where you came in toe start your thread. Some speak to your Q's specifically and talk about you the protocol for cycle 1st and 2nd , etc..

This cycle is awful. Please dont do this. Test cyp 500 per week for 12 to 16 weeks. If you gain anything on this oral.cycle you will lose it immediately. Read the first cycle sticky and follow. not do this please.

Well there it is ^^. So as I support my buddies , my message to you is to stop learn more, read up on the steroid profiles. YOU need to know that so you won't use Winstrol for bulking. :Pat:

Good Luck my, be patient and read.

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weeks 1-12 test e or c at 500mg ew

if youre hell bent for dbol

ad the dbol on weeks 4-8 at 30mg ed

dbol works way better if youre saturated in testosterone

dbol my bother some users digestive track like tummy aches and stuff

not a great deal when youre trying to eat a lot

But dbol will boat you up with water rapidly if you like that but will disappear as fast too

so imo test e or c at 500mgs is a best bet for a first bulk cycle
weeks 1-12 test e or c at 500mg ew

if youre hell bent for dbol

ad the dbol on weeks 4-8 at 30mg ed

dbol works way better if youre saturated in testosterone

dbol my bother some users digestive track like tummy aches and stuff

not a great deal when youre trying to eat a lot

But dbol will boat you up with water rapidly if you like that but will disappear as fast too

so imo test e or c at 500mgs is a best bet for a first bulk cycle

Hello! OP i hope you get this ^^^in Bold

OMM :)
Hope you come back OP. You just joined and this is your first post.....dont let us scare you off. You are 6 feet tall and weigh 169. If you are serious about bulking and determined to use steroids to this end then you are going to have to learn to eat. Sounds simple, and the idea is very simple, but eating the large volumes of food you will need can be challenging.
Sounds like you were blessed with a lean physique? Do you have a hard time gaining weight (fat/muscle)? What does your history look like? Since 18 years old have you fluctuated weight a lot or always been about the same weight? How long have you been consistently working out? Do you lift heavy or do you do a lot of reps?
Answering at least the above questions will help the bros on here to give advice that you can use. Until then the only good advice you can get is DO NOT DO THE CYCLE THAT YOU HAVE PROPOSED. I could write for 30 minutes about all the things wrong with this cycle and why. A one month cycle? Orals only? A virtually non existent pct? No diet plan? How about the workout plan?

If I were in your shoes I would get my diet nailed down. I would learn to eat really clean (baked and grilled fish, steak, chicken........brocolli, green beans, asparagus.........rice of all kinds and easy on the pasta). Then I would learn to eat high volume. During this time I would learn to lift heavy (low reps 8-12 tops) and learn which split works best for me. Example....chest twice per week, back twice per week, shoulders once, arms once, legs once......or everything once per week. Why is this important?.....because some people need to work the big muscle groups twice per week to achieve growth and some people need more rest than others. You need to know both ways because it is very likely you will have to switch to more often on cycle in order to take advantage of the increased nitrogen retention, feed efficiency, and decreased recovery times. A friend of mine that just got their pro card learned after years of work that they responded WAY better to twice per week for big groups. Some swear by once per week. You WILL respond better to one than the other. Best to learn all these things about yourself before you cycle so that you can take advantage of the hormone abuse.

I want to keep writing but I better just wrap this up :)
Oral only cycles, especially short ones that stand alone, are not as productive as injectable longer cycles. Muscle takes time, encouragement, and feed to grow. Try to squeeze all this into one month and you will get acquainted with disappointment. Dbol will put water on you very quickly then it will fall right off when you stop. There are ways to minimize the water gain but no need to get into that. Get used to the idea of injecting. Use a long ester to minimizepinning, use an ai to manage estrogen, use hcg during cycle to ease recovery, naildoen a diet and workout plan, get bloodwork before....during....and after.
I'll shut up now. I'm in a talkative mood this morning and hoping to hear from you again.

Take care bro.....and best of luck with whatever you decide
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6 feet tall and 170 you need to naturally put 30lbs on before touching a cycle..

i put 1-2lbs a week on my client naturally easy... your diet need to shape up

you cant break the laws of physics, you need to have an excess amount of calories vs calories burned to gain weight.. a cycle isn't going to change that fact
6 feet tall and 170 you need to naturally put 30lbs on before touching a cycle..

i put 1-2lbs a week on my client naturally easy... your diet need to shape up

you cant break the laws of physics, you need to have an excess amount of calories vs calories burned to gain weight.. a cycle isn't going to change that fact

There it is........get up to around 200 then cycle
Thanks for giving me a right track
My workout plan is pretty simple
I do chest and Bi on Monday
Back and Tri on Tuesday
Shoulder on Wednesday
Thursday Rest day or Sometimes I hit forearms or just abdominal exercise
Friday I do legs
On Saturday I try to either do chest again or back
I do 3 sets of 16, 12 & 10 I lift heavy
And I'm ectomorph I don't put weight very quick I'm doing gym from like 3 Years my starting weight was 45 or 50 I don't remember actually
I eat 6-7 times a day healthy stuff chicken eggs and all that

Sorry for replying late