First clen cycle, how would you advise to cycle it?


New member
What's up guys so I am about to do my first clen cycle. I have read a few different ways to cycle it, 2 days on 2 days off method and the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off method but my supplier runs his differently. He starts with 20mcg ED For first week and goes up 20-40mcg each week thereafter for 4-6 weeks then takes a couple weeks off. Would you advise doing it this way? What ways have you tried or prefer?

Looking to utilize the clen to burn fat the best way I can. Any advise is appreciated
2 weeks on 2 weeks off..

on the second week on take 25mg Benadryl nightly to keep beta receptors fresh.. ketotofin is better for this but benadryl works