First Cut Cycle Looking to see if I'm missing something ?

Thanks 3J ! Also , my apologies for the term "comical" , I can see the sarcasm in that now that I reread ! I really am looking for help , and I appreciate it . Should I throw out the Cyp ? Or does that make any sense front loading that and then running that as a base so blood levels don't drop ?
First step go back to post # 8 and re read.

Get initial blood work

Your first cycle test c or e only!

An ai adex .5 mg eod to start

HCG 250iu 2x a week

and PCT with both clomid and tomax

It is all in the link in post #8
I read that one several times , prob is I've done about 7 test Cyp, deca , EQA , A50's , Anavar, and Dbal ,and all combos of the 6 "type" cycles in my life. 4 in the last couple years , granted they were not supervised properly . None with a PCT either . 2nd prob is I got my gear in , and it's all what I posted . I'm waiting for HCG and clomid . This is the "first" cycle with these properties bud . I'm trying something different , and seeking advise from you guys . My blood work is next week , I've been off my last run of test cyp and deca for about 9 weeks. I'll post that after I get it.