first cutting cycle! excited.


New member
I completed my bulking cycle 2 months ago. It was Test E. 750mg/dbol 50mg/400mg deca. I recovered good, and now i am ready for cutting cycle.

Here my stats :
5'10 - 235 lbs
Bf around %19

Here the summer cycle ;
wks 1-13 test prop 100mg EOD
wks 1-10 EQ 400mgs/week
wks 5-10 Tren Enanthate. 75mgs EOD
.25mgs Arimidex ED on cycle.
0.5 Cabaser EOD
HGH 6iu ED

500 iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED for 2 weeks after last shot of test prop.

Clomid 150/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

My questions:
- I am planning to add Clen to PCT, what do you think ? Should i add it to cycle instead of PCT ?
- is Tren Enanthate a wrong choice ? Should i go with Tren A. ?

What do u guys think ? Waiting for your advices and corrections

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Have you ever taken EQ before? Most report substantial increases in hunger. Also it aromatizing and retains water (Even if in minimal amounts). I wonder why you didn't opt for anavar which has been shown to increase fat loss.

In my opinion an ECA stack is better than clen and can be run for longer periods of time, as long as you take breaks to up-regulate beta2 receptors.

Also I'm a fan of running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle at much smaller doses (between 500-700iu/week split into 2-3 doses).
cycle the clen throughout. 2 or 3 wks on with equal time off. now i am going to tell you a secret: it doesnt matter what you run for cutting and bulking. your diet training and cardio are going to have the biggest impact on your results. most of us that compete switch over to short esters to lower water and that is it and i do know people that can run long ester compounds throughout with no issues. what i am saying here is to make sure you diet is on point and kick some butt.