First Cutting Cycle Test/Tren/T3 advice


New member
Hi this is the cycle i'm thinking about running, have ran cycles before but not a cutting cycle, any help would be great.

Weeks 1-12
Test E 5-600mg (2 doses per week)
Weeks 5-12
Tren A 350mg (50mg ED)
Aromasin 12.5mg ED
T3 Taper
Caber .5mg twice a week (same days you pin test)

Standard Nolva/Clomid PCT once last ester cleared.

HCG blast at end of cycle.
cycle history?

oops forgot the most important bit of information.

previously done 3 cycles aiming more for bulking but i have decided to lower my body fat % and then go on a cut which will be my first cut and first use of tren/t3.

Current stats:
age 27
height 6" 6'
weight 108kg
BF % 18 (will get to 15% before starting cycle)
1-I usually use aramidex as an AI so I'm not sure about the 12.5 , I used 25 but I'm xtra sensitive to estrogen. The 12.5 could suit you fine.
2-No need to taper your t3. Start with a dosage and run it then stop when u want.
3- use hcg on cycle at 250* 2 a week and from week 1, no need for a blast.
Good luck.
2-No need to taper your t3. Start with a dosage and run it then stop when u want.
Have heard this around before. Seems to be something that people aren't sure about. Was thinking about the taper just to see if i could handle the dosages. also wouldn't tapering down be better for tricking your body into kick starting the thyroid again?

3- use hcg on cycle at 250* 2 a week and from week 1, no need for a blast.
This was part of my initial plan for my cycle but i cut a few compounds out to simplify my cycle a bit and was then told to blast instead of run through out, will change it back to through out cycle instead.
Have heard this around before. Seems to be something that people aren't sure about. Was thinking about the taper just to see if i could handle the dosages. also wouldn't tapering down be better for tricking your body into kick starting the thyroid again?

This was part of my initial plan for my cycle but i cut a few compounds out to simplify my cycle a bit and was then told to blast instead of run through out, will change it back to through out cycle instead.

Your Thyroid will recover find. Tapering won't make any difference.
This is what i have decided to go with. thoughts?

My stats:
6"6' (199cm)
242 pounds (110kg)
Body fat% 18 (15% before i cycle)

Here is what i have planned:

12 week Cycle:

Test P 100mg/eod (week 1-12)
Tren A 75mg/eod (week 4-9)
T3 taper 25/50/75/100/75/50/25mcg (same time as tren. taper t3 to see how i handle it for a first time use)

Cycle Support:

Caber 1mg per week @ 2x 0.5mg
Aromasin 12.5mg ED
HCG 500iu per week @ 2x 250iu starting week 3 increasing to 250iu/day for last week before PCT.

liv 52 ED

Clomid 4 weeks (5 if needed) 100/100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

is my HCG setup ok, thought of running through-out and a slight increase at the end of the cycle before PCT?

Also would i be best to use T3 while using tren? dont want to use T3 for more than 7 weeks and im running Tren for 6 weeks. Was thinking starting the cycle and ending the cycle with test only and doing Tren/T3 in the middle.

Also i have heard that running tren higher than test is better for less sides, i would like to do this. How would you change my dosages? also i was thinking of starting off with test p and switching to test e (due to cost), how would you structure this?
I can only imagine the sweats you'll get. Tren does a number on me all by itself.... add T3 in there, you might just melt down.
12.5 aromasin ED will be fine w that dose. I actually like 12.5 eod but my estro doesn't get very high on cycle. Also, no need to taper that t3. Have you read austintine's write up about it? Good stuff! A must read before using t3 IMO. While t3 helped me cut, I think it also reduced strength. That's just me
There are a very select few (gifted) that can gain muscle and loose body fat at the same time since a caloric deficit usually means that ones body will cannibalize muscle in order to maintain the essential organs and whatnot.

That said, having the proper diet and the right stack of gear, one can do both with almost ease (IMHO). I know that's an over simplification and those with little experience and knowledge of how to use gear, should rethink EVERYTHING prior to jumping into something that can kill you. This is NOT something that one can just "experiment" with.
Hi Guys/Girls,

I'm currently within the weeks 3-10, have made a small change, I'm now pinning ED for more stable levels, have increased my Tren dose and have also added Clenbuterol along side the T3 while almost completely dropping the GW.

Here is my cycle, changes are in RED.

Weeks 3-10: 8 Weeks:

Test P 100mg/EOD =~ 350mg WEEK (NOW 50mg ED)
Tren A 150mg/EOD =~ 520mg WEEK (NOW 100mg ED)

GW-501516 20mg/ED = 10mg AM (upon wake) / 10mg PM (before train) (rarely take this as i suspect the quality of the brand i have and the benefits its giving)
T3 Taper 50/50/75/100/100/75/50/50 dosage per day split into 8 weeks (T3 sticking to 50ug ED and also running Clen at 40mcg ED)

HCG 2x250iu per week
Caber 2x0.5mg per week
Aromasin 12.5mg ED
Due to this cycle be a killer on cardio, my cardio now consists of about 30 minutes of moderate paced walking/jogging/cycling or rowing rather than doing less cardio but at a higher intensity. This seems to be working for me.

My diet is still not 100% perfect but it is a hell of a lot better and improving, I'm sweating alot and drinking alot more water, I also add a BCAA drink while training and i find this helps.

My next step is to remember to take a protein shake after training sessions as this is the time I'm lacking energy and a source of protein.

I have a few questions to help further my cycle.

here goes,

1) Will adding Glutamine to this cycle post workout (night times) help in the slightest? p.s. i already do have some Glutamine from some time back so its not like i have to pay more money for it.

2) I have been taking HCG throughout and have found it to work wonders on the plumbs, now is it possible for me to extend this cycle as it currently stands without doing long term damage?

If NO then can this cycle be ramped up a bit from now until the end of cycle as i believe i could handle more and in what way?
If YES then how long and to what extent? (p.s. i have enough of everything to ramp it up or to extend it)
The more time you are on the harder recovery is.. Beside be ware of tren , it's harsh on ur lipids.
The more time you are on the harder recovery is.. Beside be ware of tren , it's harsh on ur lipids.

Any idea as to how long i can run it out to?

doing 100mg Tren Ace ED but from all the forums i have read i should be feeling like death warmed up but i don't. Yes i feel warmer, i sweat alot more, i struggle with cardio and my weight training intensity has increased and yes after i work and then train i'm tired but that's normal when not on cycle.

I just feel like i could be getting a lot more out of this and no i don't want to feel like death but i would be pleased to find a better happy medium and at this stage i feel like this cycle is under doing it.
I'd run it for 8 weeks max , some other ppl can go as long as 10 weeks..
Unfortunately , I can't handle tren myself.. Couldn't tolerate the sides.