First Cycle: 12 Week Test E & Dbol Log


New member
Hey guys I want to log my cycle so I chose this forum. This is my first cycle so I hope I get awesome results.

Age: 23
175 lbs
Bf 12-13%

Diet :
3500 calories


1-12 600mg Test E
1-4 50mg D-Bol



First pin is on Monday and then Thursday. However after the first week I will change it to Tuesday and Friday. I'll add pics on Monday .
I would go with 500mgs of Test 600mgs is really to much for a first timer. Just off of 500mgs of test i gained 25 pounds. I would also up your calories to 4000. and You need to have clomid also in your post cycle therapy (pct). How much protein are you taking in daily?
Looks good. If u train hard and eat right then no reason u shouldn't get good results. Good luck

thanks m8

I would go with 500mgs of Test 600mgs is really to much for a first timer. Just off of 500mgs of test i gained 25 pounds. I would also up your calories to 4000. and You need to have clomid also in your post cycle therapy (pct). How much protein are you taking in daily?

I think about 300 last time I checked. My Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT is Pharma grade

Good luck !! We're pretty close with stats and im about to cycle the same stack . . .

Thanks man, good luck to you too
Today was first pin and first day of dbol. I split the dbol @ 25 mg 2 times a day. The injection didn't hurt at all, decided to go with glutes. I had a great workout, it was my Push day. I mentally felt stronger in the gym because i doubt the test had anything to do with it. Anyone know when i will have that "on" feel or when it will kick in?
personally, I'm not a fan of more than one compound for the first cycle. my approach is more conservative, yet effective.

my advice:

drop the dbol and role with the enathate. you could add a prop taper week 13-15 of test prop 100mg EOD. this will provide for a more gradual decline in your serum levels while the longer ester fades out. this will help to avoid the side effects associated with the "crash". your choice. either way, you need to add clomid to that post cycle therapy (pct) to get some positive feedback going and revive the leydig cells of the testies. this will help your recovery tremendously. clomid and nolva should be 4 weeks dosed ED as follows per week:

clomid: 100/100/50/50
nolva: 40/40/20/20

adex is a great Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for on-cycle. only problem is that type 2 AI's do not form a permanent bond with the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen. what happens when the adex wears off is the bond is broken and the bound enzymes are released. this in turn renews competition for circulating test and increases aromatization rates dramatically. when adex is ran on-cycle then discontinued, a dose dependent estrogen rebound effect is the result. to avoid this, bridge with a type 1 like aromasin leading into and thru post cycle therapy (pct). aromasin will bind permanently to the enzyme and prevent rebound. it will also work in synergy with the clomid in terms of gonadatripin synthesis (LH & FSH). because of aromasin's anti-estrogen effects, nolvadex should be dosed half what I described above when used in conjunction with aromasin.

aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct): 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25 (daily doses week 1-4 of post cycle therapy (pct))

hope this makes sense and is helpful
Today was first pin and first day of dbol. I split the dbol @ 25 mg 2 times a day. The injection didn't hurt at all, decided to go with glutes. I had a great workout, it was my Push day. I mentally felt stronger in the gym because i doubt the test had anything to do with it. Anyone know when i will have that "on" feel or when it will kick in?

Dbol will have you feeling a nice boost in 3-5 days. As far as the test usually takes to week 8 or about the 15th pin to get the "wow" in the gym. Libido starts for me after a week or two. Good luck bro!
personally, I'm not a fan of more than one compound for the first cycle. my approach is more conservative, yet effective.

my advice:

drop the dbol and role with the enathate. you could add a prop taper week 13-15 of test prop 100mg EOD. this will provide for a more gradual decline in your serum levels while the longer ester fades out. this will help to avoid the side effects associated with the "crash". your choice. either way, you need to add clomid to that PCT to get some positive feedback going and revive the leydig cells of the testies. this will help your recovery tremendously. clomid and nolva should be 4 weeks dosed ED as follows per week:

clomid: 100/100/50/50
nolva: 40/40/20/20

adex is a great Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for on-cycle. only problem is that type 2 AI's do not form a permanent bond with the enzyme that synthesizes estrogen. what happens when the adex wears off is the bond is broken and the bound enzymes are released. this in turn renews competition for circulating test and increases aromatization rates dramatically. when adex is ran on-cycle then discontinued, a dose dependent estrogen rebound effect is the result. to avoid this, bridge with a type 1 like aromasin leading into and thru post cycle therapy (pct). aromasin will bind permanently to the enzyme and prevent rebound. it will also work in synergy with the clomid in terms of gonadatripin synthesis (LH & FSH). because of aromasin's anti-estrogen effects, nolvadex should be dosed half what I described above when used in conjunction with aromasin.

aromasin during PCT: 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25 (daily doses week 1-4 of PCT)

hope this makes sense and is helpful

thanks for the advice but I'm keeping the dbol

Dbol will have you feeling a nice boost in 3-5 days. As far as the test usually takes to week 8 or about the 15th pin to get the "wow" in the gym. Libido starts for me after a week or two. Good luck bro!

thanks man, thats what i was looking for :D
Day 3: I had a great squat session. I hit 265x6 at 177 (i know weak, but felt good at low body weight) Tomorrow will be rest day and my 2nd pin. Day after is my push day
my first cycle i took dbol test e and decca. i gained forty pounds. mostly water. would not reccommend that for a first time cycle but dumb shit happends. kept enough gains looked like a gorilla tho.
from then on i have been hittin up clen and test prop.
most imporant is post cycle therapy (pct). get that right and u should be g2g.
i would also take some sort of otc test booster along with nolva and clomid for pct.
Day 5: Left and right glute are super sore now. I woke up with a crazy back pump this morning. It was so bad I had to wear a belt while working chest and tris