First cycle 500mg a week


New member
Testosterone Ethanate For 10 weeks
Week 1-10 T/E 500mg wkly
Week 13-16 Nolvadex

Bodyfat around 12-15%
Lifting for 2 years straight

I do 2 off days a week split in half. Ive never done any cyles in the past.

Im eating around 4000 calories a day and half of it is from weight gainer. Probably not eating as much veges as I should but ill work on it.
I did my first injection on monday Febuary 28th 2011. One on monday and the second on thursday.

Im looking for any kind of feedback good or bad.
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I know a lot of guys, including myself, will say that you're too young, haven't been lifting long enough and that you should eat more whole foods instead of getting 2000 cals from weight gainers. But you did say you were working on that.

Your cycle looks good. I'm running the exact same thing but for 15 weeks. I did my 5th injection yesterday and I can feel myself getting stronger on all my lifts. It's a great feeling! Once you do your first injection you feel like a completely different person lol.

Well, there's no changing your mind at starting a cycle since you've already injected Monday and today. Eat a lot of clean, whole foods and lift with all the intensity you have. Good luck! :)
if you really feel like you have to juice at such a low age,

go and get a blood test done and look at your normal test levels. if they are great i wouldn't see a need to. plus 2 years of training experience is very little.

I def. recommend you to wait 2-3 more years.

but if you really really want which looks like you do since you already started ok go with it.

I would do 12 weeks of Test E since E takes a while to kick in.

I also would try to get HCG asap so you can start it at week 3 to prevent your balls from shutting down which makes the recovery much easier !

Nolvadex is a great PCT compound.
do it for 5 weeks instead of most peoples 4 week recommendations .
I agree with rawr about the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), I'm doing 250iu every 4 days. Better to take a proactive approach.
agree with above. You are too young, i'm sure you got more than enough test to grow but hey, you already started. Cycle does look good but definitely get at least some clomid with your nolvadex. If you take the advice go 4wks clomid at 50mg ed & 6 wks nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10. Get it? Also weight gainer is still just a supplement. Not real food. You should be EATING every 3 hours. At least 300g protein, 250-300 carbs, 80-100 fat. If you want more results, EAT MORE FOOD