First Cycle Advice Please!


New member
Hi guys! New to this particular forum, been on many others and I have gotten so much mixed feedback. I am trying to figure out whether or not to run my first AAS cycle. YES I want to, but have heard multiple opinions on whether I should yet or not.

Age: 23
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 245
Body fat: 15%
Years of training: 7
Cycle history: 1 SARM Cycle 8 weeks: (LGD, S4) great results, PCT was Nolva 40/20/20/10

My question is, with my age, BF, and everything else, am I okay to make the leap? I have done a ton of research and it all conflicts!!

Hi guys! New to this particular forum, been on many others and I have gotten so much mixed feedback. I am trying to figure out whether or not to run my first AAS cycle. YES I want to, but have heard multiple opinions on whether I should yet or not.

Age: 23
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 245
Body fat: 15%
Years of training: 7
Cycle history: 1 SARM Cycle 8 weeks: (LGD, S4) great results, PCT was Nolva 40/20/20/10

My question is, with my age, BF, and everything else, am I okay to make the leap? I have done a ton of research and it all conflicts!!


A conservative answer is wait until you're 25. However, based on your stats, if your nutrition and training are spot on it may be acceptable to consider a cycle now. You've already messed with your HPTA with the SARMS.... Did you get bloodwork?

What does your diet look like? Macros? TDEE?
Training? Bench, DL, Squat?

Welcome Luke

Should u go over to the dark side start w test e or c 500 a week split Monday and Thursday so as to KNOW if things go awry u have only one suspect in ur line up and will know whose causing what side effect and there will be SOMETHING go awry or your not human..
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As Gainjin said, you are under the age that people consider appropriate to start steroids.

Read this for more info on why it's not the best to start under 25:

Otherwise, as you may or may not know, SARMS are supressive and have (probably) already hurt your testosterone levels.

Hence, you'd be advised to get a blood test, find out what your base line total T and free T levels are (as well as other hormone panel items) and then consider if it's worth it.
LGD and S4 are mildly suppressive and nolva nd clomid shouve been your PCT.

At your age your endocriologist would say fuck no, but you are grown. I'd run a test only cycle of test enanthate for 16-20 weeks with a full PCT of nolve and clomid. Run aromasin at 12.5mg eod for AI support and HCG @ 1000iu ew one week prior to last pin, two weeks after last pin and head into PCT.
I have a real problem telling a 23 year old man how to live his life. You are old enough to make your own decisions, but at 23yo, you are too young to run a cycle. Your time in the gym would be much better used learning as much about training and the nutrition needed to be successful. Have you had any blood work done to see where your test is at?
LGD and S4 are mildly suppressive and nolva nd clomid shouve been your PCT.

At your age your endocriologist would say fuck no, but you are grown. I'd run a test only cycle of test enanthate for 16-20 weeks with a full PCT of nolve and clomid. Run aromasin at 12.5mg eod for AI support and HCG @ 1000iu ew one week prior to last pin, two weeks after last pin and head into PCT.

why did you tell him to use aromasin? he can use adex if he wants to.

also, why wait only 2 weeks before PCT? That's test e and c's half life. That means he'll have at least 250mg in his system (more once you add his previous pin before that will still be active) and PCT won't do a thing. Better advice is to say 3 week's wait.
LGD and S4 are mildly suppressive and nolva nd clomid shouve been your PCT.

At your age your endocriologist would say fuck no, but you are grown. I'd run a test only cycle of test enanthate for 16-20 weeks with a full PCT of nolve and clomid. Run aromasin at 12.5mg eod for AI support and HCG @ 1000iu ew one week prior to last pin, two weeks after last pin and head into PCT.

you sure about this?
Ur 23. Ur going to do what your going to do I m just saying don t be me at 23. Aim higher, be smarter and we'll, or they will guide you.

I m no role model. Believe me. I may not know what s good for the human body but I know what's bad because I have done it. You have no idea how I struggle MENTALLY . I hide behind my Nordic genetics 12 yr olds metabolism and keyboard . If I could do it over I d have been a cyclist. BICYCLE-ist.

Do not abuse AAS.
U will be sorry.

I am.
OP, know this. It's very possible and most likely that your natural test will be diminished with the first and subsequent cycles. Possibly to the point that to feel like a man for the rest of your life, you'll need trt. Weekly never ending pins. Not trying to scare you, just giving you the possibilities.
Once you know the risks of AAS and you think the reward is worth it, then by all means, carry on.
But every time one of my buddies want me to hook them up, I tell them the same things. Sometimes when young our priorities change every month. Just don't let a curious itch one week change the rest of your life unles you're prepared for the possible consequences