First Cycle Advice Test -E and Nolva for PCT Teen.


New member
Whats good.

Just would like some insight on this cycle I am on.

I got one vial of test and nolva for pct.

Planned 8 weeks of 310mg a week to finish the vial.

Shot first pin in deltoid today. No side effects.

I am 20 years old. 210 pounds. Lean looking. Can see slight abs.
Bench 275 for reps, squat 315, deadlift 455.

Just want to know what else or if 310mg for 8 weeks would be a waste. I know I am young and such but I already started so any help would be nice.

I am buying AI tomorrow for gyno. Do I need HCG? Diet is going to be on point lots of clean eating, veggies, proteins, carbs. Very high frequency in the gym I work out very hard. I do cardio 3-4x a week.

What happened to doing research BEFORE self-medicating? You are using powerful hormones and drugs that have a profound effect on you. Why wouldn't you do some homework before injecting something in your shoulder?

By the way, this is a really bad cycle layout. And your endocrine system isn't done developing yet so using AAS is a bad idea.
Just one cycle man. I needed a boost man. One short cycle wont hurt at low dosages would it.... I did my homework for alot of years but the overwhelming feeling caught up to me and I injected it without proper homework at this time I guess. Plz help man ...
Just one cycle man. I needed a boost man. One short cycle wont hurt at low dosages would it.... I did my homework for alot of years but the overwhelming feeling caught up to me and I injected it without proper homework at this time I guess. Plz help man ...

Low doses shut down your natural testosterone production. Turn it off. Your testicles will be making zero testosterone. That is not something to do without proper consideration and preparation. What could make you so desperate to need a "boost"?

Do you understand have the Enanthate ester works? For example that it takes 4-6 weeks just to kick in? Just around when you plan on stopping.... And you are barely running more that a Testosterone Replacement dosage that guys with Low T run to put themselves in the normal range.
What would you suggest? Please steer me in the correct path with minimal damage to my body. I would very much appreciate it. I pinned it. I started it... mistake yes but now I would just like some help. I feel like my nipples are already starting to fatten up omg
Just stop. No more injections. Get your blood work done in 6 weeks to see if everything is back to normal. Hopefully you did pre-cycle blood work to conpare against.
What If I want to continue with this cycle? I already started man. I need to finish. Please give me the advice on regards to continuing the cycle. I had blood work done from a doctor just normal physical check up 2 months ago I can compare against laster on
I have made up my mind I want to do this cycle. If anyone wants to help please give me some advice.... eveyr other forum has 100s of people responding.
Bro I'm new on this forum, but my best advice is stop pinning and start pct, your dosages are wayyyy too low, especially being young.

But if you're hard headed like me, and won't take no for an answer, at least run a proper cycle... You should probably be running at least 500 mg / week with enth, and running at least 12 weeks. As the mod said, enth doesn't really start working for 4-6 weeks... 8 weeks is pretty short for a prop cycle, I think.

On an unrelated note, you need to work on your squat, lol. a 315 squat compared to a 275 bench is quite disproportionate...

My best advice, stop pinning. My second best advice, at least don't waste your time - up the dosage and run for 12 weeks.

Good luck friend.
Bro I'm new on this forum, but my best advice is stop pinning and start pct, your dosages are wayyyy too low, especially being young.

But if you're hard headed like me, and won't take no for an answer, at least run a proper cycle... You should probably be running at least 500 mg / week with enth, and running at least 12 weeks. As the mod said, enth doesn't really start working for 4-6 weeks... 8 weeks is pretty short for a prop cycle, I think.

On an unrelated note, you need to work on your squat, lol. a 315 squat compared to a 275 bench is quite disproportionate...

My best advice, stop pinning. My second best advice, at least don't waste your time - up the dosage and run for 12 weeks.

Good luck friend.


500 mg for 10 weeks is possible? I only have 20ml on me. I just want some gains doesnt have to be crazy. I want this cycle... my whole future is dependant on this cycle and this age. My next 5 years depend on getting big. I do not care if my natural test lvels shut down and I am on TRT my whole life it will be worth it with what I have coming up. You guys dont get it.. Stop the shitty cycle man shut your mouth I want advice not your shit saying stop the shitty cycle... The mod is atleast trying to help.
20 years old and your future will be decided on the shitty cycle? Really? Your post title should have read " young and dumb, I'm gonna start fucking myself up, please tell me what I want to hear!"
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Bro I'm new on this forum, but my best advice is stop pinning and start pct, your dosages are wayyyy too low, especially being young.

But if you're hard headed like me, and won't take no for an answer, at least run a proper cycle... You should probably be running at least 500 mg / week with enth, and running at least 12 weeks. As the mod said, enth doesn't really start working for 4-6 weeks... 8 weeks is pretty short for a prop cycle, I think.

On an unrelated note, you need to work on your squat, lol. a 315 squat compared to a 275 bench is quite disproportionate...

My best advice, stop pinning. My second best advice, at least don't waste your time - up the dosage and run for 12 weeks.

Good luck friend.
to add to this even if you continue you need clomid also for PCT
I have taken into consideration all the "feedback" even though it is aggressive.

I bought all my things.

Test-E + Clomid + Nolva & AI
Taking 500mg a week Sunday and Wednesday 250mg each for 10 weeks.
12th week start taking PCT Nolva and Clomid at dosages recommended.
Throughout the cycle taking AI at 0.25mg

Will get bloodwork done before second pin

How does this look
keep pinning at least 12 weeks, assuming time is not a factor... you'll still be getting good gains, if time isn't a factor there's no reason to only run 10 weeks.

Once again, I will re-iterate, I advise you to NOT run this cycle, and begin PCT asap.

Good luck.