First Cycle Advice Test -E and Nolva for PCT Teen.

If you insist on running this cycle you need to start your PCT 18 to 24 days after last pin to allow test to clear your system.

You really should wait. Doing only 10 weeks gives you only about 4 weeks at peak test levels to make gains. This I want it and I want it now attitude only goes to solidify the concensus your not ready to use AAS.

Good luck
awesome.. IMT needs new hrt clients..

hope you enjoy pinning yourself 4 times a week for the rest of your life!!!!

youve been clearly and specifically warned about what youre doing to yourself by megatron.. and i agree 100 percent..

good luck to you

its your body, you only have one
I dont care you guys dont understand. Whatever

I am running this cycle regardless anyone else want to provide some advice... 10000's of other started this age and nothing happened.
I dont care you guys dont understand. Whatever

I am running this cycle regardless anyone else want to provide some advice... 10000's of other started this age and nothing happened.

Can I get any studies please? As there are ACTUAL studies done that show younger users DO end up on TRT. Not to mention we have lots of older guys here that started around your age or even slightly older and were still not old enough.

You should be able to understand our aggression, you're literally what gives steroids a bad name. We try our best to study and do what's best, to show the world steroid users aren't stupidly jumping into a dangerous area...then people such as yourself tarnish it.
I understand man. I understand you guys want whats best for me and my body. But in all honesty I am aware of the risks and the rewards. I am aware of what can happen if this cycle doesn't go smoothly too.

Please someone just put aside the fact that I am almost 21 and please just give me some real advice on this cycle what supps I should take, what to lookout for etc. Please I beg of you.
I want to start the cycle.... all of you that posted here havent given a single piece of advice regarding my orginal post of the cycle and what i can change what i will need et.... Sure fine dont I am sure you guys will not lose and sleep at night.. just know I am doing this and couodve gotten some help i you guys helped but whatever
I want to start the cycle.... all of you that posted here havent given a single piece of advice regarding my orginal post of the cycle and what i can change what i will need et.... Sure fine dont I am sure you guys will not lose and sleep at night.. just know I am doing this and couodve gotten some help i you guys helped but whatever

See post #6. I gave you the best advice one could possibly give you.