First cycle advice (Test Prop + Mast Prop)


New member
What's up everyone, I've been a lurker for quite some time now but I decided to join because I will be doing my first cycle soon and I want as much advice/opinions as I can get.

A little info on me:
Age: 21
BF %: 8-9
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195
Years of Lifting: ~5 years
Current calorie intake: 3200

I compete in Men's Physique as class D. My goal is to get my pro card in the next 2 years. I've done two shows so far and placed 3rd in novice and 5th open. I feel like in order for me to come on stage with the best package possible and become a pro, I need to take it to the next level. Here's what I planned for my first cycle:

Weeks 1-10
Prop 150mg EOD
Masteron 100mg EOD
arimidex 0.5mg every other day (will do 0.5mg everyday if I experience sides)

Weeks 5-10
hcg 250 IU's 2x a week

Weeks 6-10
Var 60mg ED

PCT (2-3 days after last pin)
nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/25/25/25

Some questions: should I replace arimidex with aromasin? I was told that aromasin would be better suit for prop cycle. Is HCG okay to start halfway through leading right before pct? I've read that running HCG for too long can cause more harm than good. Is it reccommended that I get HCGenerate as well?

In addition, I will be taking N2guard and my usual multi-vitamins, milk thistle, glucosamine, etc for general health. Caloric intake will be around 2900 as I will be prepping for a show on April 11th. Calories and macronutrients will be adjusted accordingly based on how I look. I would like as much honest critique and feedback as possible. Thanks everybody!

Pictures from my last show:
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You're very young mate. Is it worth you getting your pro card so early and being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the rest of your life if your body doesn't recover its natural test levels? That's the risk you run. Pinning test the rest of your life because you can't wait 3-4 years.

Otherwise, standard protocol is to run just Test for a first cycle and then add other components in subsequent cycles. You're looking at running three in your first. At least keep it at two. Also, why the prop rather than cyp or enth? Are you finishing your cycle just before the show you mentioned in April?

Also, PCT 2-3 days after last prop pin is too soon. Make it a week.
As Onk said you are t on young my freind. You risk the chance of doing damage to your endocrine system which isn't finished developing that's just one thing that could happen. You are going to do what you want but you better do some more research to know what your getting into.

Educate before you medicate

Resd that thread and all its links.

For a quick critique you should be using test only.
PCT should be 16 to 21 days after last pin
HCG should be run up to 4 days before you start PCT

How about blood work? Pre, mid and post

You don't adjust AI by feeling something maybe more experienced users can but blood work is what tells you where your E2 is at without it your flying blind
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You're very young mate. Is it worth you getting your pro card so early and being on Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the rest of your life if your body doesn't recover its natural test levels? That's the risk you run. Pinning test the rest of your life because you can't wait 3-4 years.

Otherwise, standard protocol is to run just Test for a first cycle and then add other components in subsequent cycles. You're looking at running three in your first. At least keep it at two. Also, why the prop rather than cyp or enth? Are you finishing your cycle just before the show you mentioned in April?

Also, PCT 2-3 days after last prop pin is too soon. Make it a week.

I understand and appreciate your concern. My decision has been set to do this as I've been researching for the past couple months leading up to this day. The truth is that you'll never know enough about AAS, just as you'll never stop learning about your body. I understand that there can be side effects and precautions with AAS at my age, but that goes the same for any other drug we consume. I would very much appreciate as much feedback and critique rather than trying to convince me to not do the cycle. I mean this in the nicest way possible and I truely do understand and take into consideration what everyone says!

Anyways, I will start my PCT at week 11 (1 week after last pin). PCT will consist of Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 50/25/25/25. HCG will start at week 2 of 250 IU's twice a week (500 IU's weekly).

The reason why I am running prop instead of longer esthers like enth is because of the half life and how quickly it kicks in rather than waiting for the long esthers for 4-5 weeks. I also believe that since I'm running prop, my cycle can be a lot shorter which will allow me to recover more efficiently. My show will land on Week 11 which is when I start my PCT. This will allow my body time to clear of all the test so that way I don't hold onto any water. Honestly, I don't mind the EOD pinning. Although it can be more of a hassle, I want to get the most out of this first cycle which I believe I can do with prop.

EDIT: Blood work will be administered before, 5 weeks into the cycle, and after. My main reasoning behind getting blood works is to see if my dosages of AI were enough to battle estrogen related problems. Also just to make sure my recover goes as smooth as possible.
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Here are some pictures from my last show in December. I weighed in at around 194
if that's what you look like then you don't need AAS to do physique, you're already big enough. You just need better abs, triceps and legs.
if that's what you look like then you don't need AAS to do physique, you're already big enough. You just need better abs, triceps and legs.

Unfortunately I was told by multiple judges (on both shows) that I needed more size. I was definitely one of the smaller guys in the open class which is why I placed 5th. Class D tends to be one of the most stacked class from my experience and this is at the amateur level, so it's only gonna get more difficult as I transition to nationals.

Despite the fact of trying to gain more size, the purpose of the cycle is to give me that hard, round look hence the reason why I'm using mast. I understand this is a lot for a first cycle and by no means they are "mild", but I'm aware of the consequences that can come along with it. I don't just want to be the big guy on stage, I'm leaning towards coming conditioned as possible while looking full. With this cycle before my next contest in combination with my work ethic I feel can be a great combination. By no means am I under the impression that this will do the work for me, it's merely a performance enhancement so that way I can come at my best for April 11th.
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If this is the road you wish to take... how about getting the timing right as far as prepping for the show

I mean if you're planning to compete April 11 don't run a cycle that's gonna end a few weeks short of that... 10 weeks from now will only get you to the 3rd week of March
If this is the road you wish to take... how about getting the timing right as far as prepping for the show

I mean if you're planning to compete April 11 don't run a cycle that's gonna end a few weeks short of that... 10 weeks from now will only get you to the 3rd week of March

I don't start my cycle until February 7th.