First cycle advise please for 18.5 years old

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New member
I'm 18.5 y/o and want to start a cycle as soon as possible.

Dbol 80 mg for 2 months
NAC 4800 mg.

PCT is Nolvadex only because clomid fucks eyes as you know.

I'm 6'4 and 180 lbs lean. Should I add clomid for pct? I dunno but I've heard nolva only is good to go.
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the most anabolic 'oral' you can put in your mouth right now is food . Dbol will do you no good
You're too young brother.

Oral only is no good, first cycle should be test-e and you should wait until 25. I know you don't want to hear this but you can damage your endocrine system, stunt your growth... etc. At 18 your natural test levels should be really high.
Kid you are not ready, have no clue what you are doing and will only hurt yourself. there is many more things you can fuck up other than height.

Also how can your doctor tell you this unless he himself conducted genetic modification on your 18 years ago and knows exactly how tall you will be
X-ray bro! How you don't know X-ray bro?! GODDAMNIT!

Listen, there's more to it then just physical growth. Steroids are hormones. Your body's hormones are still developing. Do some research on the subject. Just don't come here posting about a cycle that is nonsense and wonder why everyone is telling you not to do it! Read the ology faq's thread. It has plenty of info on why oral only cycles are for women and why at your age you shouldn't use gear...
Guys, relax! My doctor told me I can't grow anymore. My height will be same rest of my life.

What about growth plates closing up prematurely? Makes no sense to run any anabolic until your HPTA is done developing which goes way beyond your height. For example take some photos now then look when you're 25, I bet you will notice your shoulders are naturally wider. Also if you run dbol alone you would be shut down hard and full of estrogen.
What about growth plates closing up prematurely? Makes no sense to run any anabolic until your HPTA is done developing which goes way beyond your height. For example take some photos now then look when you're 25, I bet you will notice your shoulders are naturally wider. Also if you run dbol alone you would be shut down hard and full of estrogen.

I told you my growth plates is CLOSED, ***RESPECT OUR MEMBERS***
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In this country you need muscles first. Then u need a woman. Then you need a becacause mother in this childish world i see there is no more time in the kitchen.
Guys, relax! I changed my mind. I wont use anabolic steroids. I will use tren only. I think this is good for my health.
Guys, relax! I changed my mind. I wont use anabolic steroids. I will use tren only. I think this is good for my health.

Oh it is. Liver safe and overall just safe. Just make sure to run doses of 2,000-3,000mg per week(3,000mg if you want the ladies to be ripping your clothes off).

Also what goes great with Tren is liquor. Pre-injection I would take 3-5 shots of vodka, and another 3-5 shots post injection
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