Revelation Genetics
Limitless Potential - Pro
Hey Fellas,
The name is Rev and I've posted many of cycles here before but not so much in the situation I am in right now. I met a beautiful young woman and fell in love which in the past for me is hell for my gains as I quit everything to focus on whomever it was at the time. I usually go full throttle at whatever I do and am focused on at that particular time and so, I fell in love got engaged and had a baby in this past two years. Lifted pretty consistently for the first few months of meeting this woman and the rest is history until now. I've got a beautiful woman and now a beautiful baby girl so I figure I will never be able to put the weights down now having a daughter, as any little boys that come a knocking on my door may just have to be dealt with! Lol. Naw i'm just kidding, but for real! No seriously though. I also want to continue my goal of going pro and gaining that respect within myself, and it's something I always have hoped for and, if anyone has the genetics to do so it surely is me. Not being cocky just realizing my true potential.
So I am going to lay out a cycle I have planned that probably won't take place for a short while, maybe a few weeks or a few months but no more! Depending on whether or not I feel it is a good solid cycle for me at this time, currently lifting yes, but I've been out of the game for so long that my old resources for my special "Cell Tech" I once ordered from Naps doesn't seem to be so reliable now as it once was 3-5 years ago. The service then was slow at best, the gear I though to be great quality because I always had better than great results! However, it seems now that the old site their competitor put up which was the .org or .com website that was identical to the legitimate site has become the "Legit Site" I see now when I type in the URL. The reason for this I do not know and because of which I don't know if I trust it but, there are places all over I could find it just may take a while of digging back in there and making a place for myself and someone I can trust again. Either way, here is my CYCLE as follows...
It is as follow, and guidance is welcomed!
|-----Product Name/Compound-----||-----------Weeks-----------||------------------Dosage-------------------|
|__IGF-1 DES___(RUI-BRAND)___||__9-12 (+2 into my PCT)_||_20mcg each muscle 40mcgtotal/ED_|
-It is a very basic cycle, yes, this I know although I can't say the dosage is very basic although I do have experience with these compounds, other than the IGF-1 DES and I sure cannot wait to try that!
-If anyone has any recommendations on the IGF dosing correct me if need be, and I really would like to hear about peoples experiences with this compound and tell me whether good or bad experience with it.
-If Good, Why?
-If Bad, Why?
As I said, with this IGF-1 DES this will be my first experience I have with this and I truly am hoping I get amazing results. I have read when researching that you won't gain a ton of water weight as one does with testosterone or steroids but rather, steady 1-2lbs a week while taking the IGF as it creates new cells which allows for more growth and, it assist in lean body mass.
-Does the cycle look good? If not, why and if so, why!
Thanks guys! Criticism is welcomed but if you're going to criticize just remember, Shut Your Mouth when You're Talking to Me!
Hope to see the responses rolling in soon!
The name is Rev and I've posted many of cycles here before but not so much in the situation I am in right now. I met a beautiful young woman and fell in love which in the past for me is hell for my gains as I quit everything to focus on whomever it was at the time. I usually go full throttle at whatever I do and am focused on at that particular time and so, I fell in love got engaged and had a baby in this past two years. Lifted pretty consistently for the first few months of meeting this woman and the rest is history until now. I've got a beautiful woman and now a beautiful baby girl so I figure I will never be able to put the weights down now having a daughter, as any little boys that come a knocking on my door may just have to be dealt with! Lol. Naw i'm just kidding, but for real! No seriously though. I also want to continue my goal of going pro and gaining that respect within myself, and it's something I always have hoped for and, if anyone has the genetics to do so it surely is me. Not being cocky just realizing my true potential.
So I am going to lay out a cycle I have planned that probably won't take place for a short while, maybe a few weeks or a few months but no more! Depending on whether or not I feel it is a good solid cycle for me at this time, currently lifting yes, but I've been out of the game for so long that my old resources for my special "Cell Tech" I once ordered from Naps doesn't seem to be so reliable now as it once was 3-5 years ago. The service then was slow at best, the gear I though to be great quality because I always had better than great results! However, it seems now that the old site their competitor put up which was the .org or .com website that was identical to the legitimate site has become the "Legit Site" I see now when I type in the URL. The reason for this I do not know and because of which I don't know if I trust it but, there are places all over I could find it just may take a while of digging back in there and making a place for myself and someone I can trust again. Either way, here is my CYCLE as follows...
It is as follow, and guidance is welcomed!
|-----Product Name/Compound-----||-----------Weeks-----------||------------------Dosage-------------------|
|__IGF-1 DES___(RUI-BRAND)___||__9-12 (+2 into my PCT)_||_20mcg each muscle 40mcgtotal/ED_|

-It is a very basic cycle, yes, this I know although I can't say the dosage is very basic although I do have experience with these compounds, other than the IGF-1 DES and I sure cannot wait to try that!
-If anyone has any recommendations on the IGF dosing correct me if need be, and I really would like to hear about peoples experiences with this compound and tell me whether good or bad experience with it.
-If Good, Why?
-If Bad, Why?
As I said, with this IGF-1 DES this will be my first experience I have with this and I truly am hoping I get amazing results. I have read when researching that you won't gain a ton of water weight as one does with testosterone or steroids but rather, steady 1-2lbs a week while taking the IGF as it creates new cells which allows for more growth and, it assist in lean body mass.
-Does the cycle look good? If not, why and if so, why!
Thanks guys! Criticism is welcomed but if you're going to criticize just remember, Shut Your Mouth when You're Talking to Me!

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