First cycle and dieting/gaining too much fat problems


New member
So I decided to begin my first cycle ever but I have two problems:

1) I'm about a body fat percentage of 18%
2) I'm afraid to gain more fat during my cycle since it seems I'm very sensible to carbs.

And please don't tell about lowering my bf because it's been really hard and I'm over it already. I just decide to run on a cycle even if I'm not below 15%. I'm just sick of dieting and not seeing enough results. I've even been depressed and been having issues when it comes to my mood and all that. During the last 3 months I did everything I was supposed to do and my progress when it comes to losing body fat have been not too notable. I'm going by eyeball though. It's possible that my body fat isn't that high, but measuring above my bullybotton it seems I'm about 18%-19%.
Anyway, the problem is that I don't want to become "fatter" while in steroids because from my experience I tend to gain too much while bulking to the point to stop doing it. My three bulking season were atrocious. I ended up fat in my first one and second one, and I only bulked for no more than 3 months. I'm 32 years old and I've been lifting since like 3 years ago. I haven't done it consistently though. Right now I'm looking sorta of skinned, not extremely, but I don't really look like a work out. I do have a small gut and I think that's where most of my bf comes from.

If there was a way to run a cycle without increasing my bf %... <sigh>
Your best bet is to sign up with 3J for at least a few months. Let him help you figure it all out. The knowledge you gain is yours forever and can make the difference between the frustration you now feel and being exhilarated about bulking. :)
Your diet is most likely lacking. Work on diet before going on cycle otherwise you'll be wasting your money...
Your best bet is to sign up with 3J for at least a few months. Let him help you figure it all out. The knowledge you gain is yours forever and can make the difference between the frustration you now feel and being exhilarated about bulking. :)

i'd say hes right..

if youre having issues with your diet, which many many do since they do not understand proper nutrition, and youre spending a ton of money on a cycle, why even risk running poor nutrition.. 80% of your success comes from nutrition.. being on cycle with a poor diet is like being in a ferrari with no gas in the tank, feels great to be in there but youre never gonna get anywhere!

check me out, here is my website

3J's Nutrition

email me at for more info

and keep in mind i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. read post 1 then post up your diet following the directions
Anyway, I've been so depressed lately. Especially when I go to the gym and I see these big ass dudes with nice muscles. It's really depressing. I feel like I wasted all this time I was into fitness for nothing. More than 3 years working out and looking so out of shape. I mean, I'm not really skinny but I wish I would look beefier/more define at least. I'm 32 already and I feel like I'm becoming old and that is why I decided to try steroids. Don't get me wrong, I won't become an addict. Just planning to run two cycles the most. Yeah, I know what many of you are thinking, but I have read enough material already to know what could be wrong and what's the price of it. It's been months since I've been thinking about running my first cycle by the way. It was a hard decision. I don't think it's going to be that expensive neither. I've heard cycles on test E are hella cheap. Don't want to sound ignorant, but less than $250-300 bucks maybe?

Also, I don't think my diet was that bad during the last two times I was bulking. It is possible that my bf at the moment I started was "too high" and that is why the rest of my bulking season was a fail. I think I was at about 18% when I started back then. I tried to do it very carefully and added calories little by little so I could take control of my weight. Or maybe I wasn't lifting enough weight/too light? I don't know. I was weird. I have tried everything and it seems nothing works. Steroids in the last thing I could think about. Real talk.
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again, diet plays a 80% role in the outcome of your efforts...

its the usual suspect my friend..

good luck to you
Anyway, I've been so depressed lately. Especially when I go to the gym and I see this big ass dudes with nice muscles. It's really depressing. I feel like I wasted all this time I was into fitness for nothing.

If I where you I would use those big guys as motivation, try to harness the energy, dedication, focus that they have and use it as your own. You can also learn alot from just watching how they do their routines as well and tweak yours accordignly. Its always good to have your goals visible so you dont lose sight of your objectives. and as far as wasting your time doing fitness, any kind of care and maintenance you do on your body it will thank you years later for taking care of it like that.:)
They don't motivate me at all, they actually depress me, and I can't help it.

To see them is too see how I would look like at this time if it wasn't for my atrocious bulking seasons.

I feel so bad right now. I really need steroids. I just want steroids for aesthetic reasons.
Definition should be your goal then not size. You can be cut up and shredded at your age and look good if not better than alot of big bodybuilders who are big because of their goals, competitions,modeling etc. and at your age, which by the way is still a young age, with a good diet, right mixes, workout routine etc. you can focus more on getting lean and cutting down on body fat which is part of the title of your post. So we are well on our way.
It's the same I've read before. I will take steroids regardless of what I'm reading here.

Why bother posting then? Seriously, you will simply fail again, only you could really fuck up your body in the process this time. 80% of your fitness goal is your diet. With a proper diet, you WILL see huge changes in yourself in a very short amount of time. Trust me on this one, I went from 190 pound and about 28% body fat to 165 (somewhere around there) pounds and 14% body fat in a scant 8 months without using steroids (well, I am on TRT, but that puts me in the normal range which is where you already are). I was 46 when I started this, so you have a good decade of youth on me.

I am not huge, and do not really want to be, but I do have people come up to me at the gym and ask how I get my thighs and calves so big.

Get your diet in order and watch the fat fall away as if by magic.
I am not into this diet thing. I want to get big NOW for this season. It feels like every spring/summer my goals fail because I always do something wrong. Since 2012 is being the same. I am not taking it anymore... I will take steroids.
I am not into this diet thing. I want to get big NOW for this season. It feels like every spring/summer my goals fail because I always do something wrong. Since 2012 is being the same. I am not taking it anymore... I will take steroids.

Good for you, be sure to support our sponsors here! and please keep us posted on your logs!
I am not into this diet thing. I want to get big NOW for this season. It feels like every spring/summer my goals fail because I always do something wrong. Since 2012 is being the same. I am not taking it anymore... I will take steroids.

Listen to yourself. Let me quote you:

"It feels like my goals fail because I always do something wrong."
"I am not into this diet thing."

You will fail again because you will continue to do something wrong - and that something is that you feel diet is not important enough to make it the most important thing to do. Your goals are met via 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% genetics / steroids. Steroids ONLY allow you to bypass your genetic limitation. They will not make you thin or grow muscles on your body. DIET makes you thin AND gives you the needed fuel to grow muscles on your body. Exercise will cause the muscles to grow but ONLY if you have a proper diet to feed them.

I know you do not care, that you actually WANT to fail, but please listen to us and succeed for once.
Anyway, the problem is that I don't want to become "fatter" while in steroids because from my experience I tend to gain too much while bulking to the point to stop doing it. My three bulking season were atrocious. I ended up fat in my first one and second one, and I only bulked for no more than 3 months. I'm 32 years old and I've been lifting since like 3 years ago. I haven't done it consistently though. Right now I'm looking sorta of skinned, not extremely, but I don't really look like a work out. I do have a small gut and I think that's where most of my bf comes from.

If there was a way to run a cycle without increasing my bf %... <sigh>

I really know what are you saying.
I have the same issues. Tried different nutrition professionals, different workout routines and I cannot loose fat. So, I tried steroids.
200mg/week of Test Cyp for 6 weeks and 60mg/day of Anavar for 8 weeks. Also used arimedex as AI during the cycle. It was awesome. I went from 15% bf to 10% and I looked amazing. Did the pct and gained back all the fat. Tried some more diets and didn't work. Now, I am going to do another cycle and cruise.

Good lock man.
I would recommend you to use Anavar or Winstrol with some Test, but I am not an expertise on drugs. So, ask help in the steroids section.

But one thing I can tell you, you wont regret it.
I really know what are you saying.
I have the same issues. Tried different nutrition professionals, different workout routines and I cannot loose fat. So, I tried steroids.
200mg/week of Test Cyp for 6 weeks and 60mg/day of Anavar for 8 weeks. Also used arimedex as AI during the cycle. It was awesome. I went from 15% bf to 10% and I looked amazing. Did the pct and gained back all the fat. Tried some more diets and didn't work. Now, I am going to do another cycle and cruise.

Good lock man.
I would recommend you to use Anavar or Winstrol with some Test, but I am not an expertise on drugs. So, ask help in the steroids section.

But one thing I can tell you, you wont regret it.
yea lets recommend drugs when the guy doesn't want to get his nutrition in check..

lets put him in a ferrari with no gas in the tank and see how far he gets...
well said sage!

Listen to yourself. Let me quote you:

"It feels like my goals fail because I always do something wrong."
"I am not into this diet thing."

You will fail again because you will continue to do something wrong - and that something is that you feel diet is not important enough to make it the most important thing to do. Your goals are met via 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% genetics / steroids. Steroids ONLY allow you to bypass your genetic limitation. They will not make you thin or grow muscles on your body. DIET makes you thin AND gives you the needed fuel to grow muscles on your body. Exercise will cause the muscles to grow but ONLY if you have a proper diet to feed them.

I know you do not care, that you actually WANT to fail, but please listen to us and succeed for once.
Listen to yourself. Let me quote you:

"It feels like my goals fail because I always do something wrong."
"I am not into this diet thing."

You will fail again because you will continue to do something wrong - and that something is that you feel diet is not important enough to make it the most important thing to do. Your goals are met via 80% diet, 15% exercise, and 5% genetics / steroids. Steroids ONLY allow you to bypass your genetic limitation. They will not make you thin or grow muscles on your body. DIET makes you thin AND gives you the needed fuel to grow muscles on your body. Exercise will cause the muscles to grow but ONLY if you have a proper diet to feed them.

I know you do not care, that you actually WANT to fail, but please listen to us and succeed for once.

Is he for real?