First cycle... Any advice or input before I order?


New member
500mg test c/week 250 mon and 250 thurs

50mg Anavar daily (liquid oral)

25mg proviron daily (liquid oral)

Pct- 50mg clomid daily (pill) along with tongkat Ali (natural test booster)

26yrs old
You don't need a test booster, they're not at all effective, and yes there's better than Tongkat, it's not even regulated so potency and efficacy can be extremely random.
Ok... So I should take clomid, nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for post cycle therapy (pct)? If so how exactly would I take them all?
Clomid- 50mg daily
Nolvadex- 20mg daily
Hcg- 2000 I.U. Every 5th day

All startin 3weeks after my last test injection?
Ok... So I should take clomid, nolvadex and hcg for post cycle therapy (pct)? If so how exactly would I take them all?
Clomid- 50mg daily
Nolvadex- 20mg daily
Hcg- 2000 I.U. Every 5th day

All startin 3weeks after my last test injection?

Run HCG on cycle 250iu 2x/wk. clomid and Nolva look good and you could even cut the dose in half for both for the last 2wks of PCT
awesome... thank you for your advice! One more question, where would be the best place to find insulin syringes? Any local stores?