first cycle ('dbol/test cyp' or 'dbol/EQ/sustanon')


New member
Hi all

180 10%bf, 5'6", 37yrs

Looking into doing my first bulking cycle

Been working out off and on for years now 8+

till recently mostly off (let my self go :-))

Been working out now for about a year

Just lost 25pounds fat and have my diet in check 40/40/20

Ive got dbol,test cyp, EQ, and Sustanon on hand

Ive done a pro hormone cycle years ago like 10 years ago if this makes any difference. Not sure if this length of time from anything makes this a first cycle as far as receptors and stuff are concerned?

Question is: Which combo from what I have would make the best first cycle?

I'm thinking either dbol 25mg-30mg ed for 3 or 4 weeks, with 500 mg test cyp every 10 days @ 100mg every other day.


sustanon 250mg/EQ 200mg a week, with dbol same as above

Any opinions would be appreciated!

Oh and i have my pct in order: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, arimidex on hand, sutain alpha, zma, tribulus, D aspartic acid
For yourr first cycle,i would suggest using just Testosterone alone 500mg/week for 12-14 weeks....and wait and use your dbol,deca,eq for future need to see how your body reacts to test before mixing compounds
I hear you

Thanks for the reply!

I was thinking of running the test cyp for my first cycle so i could save the EQ & sustanon for my second.

However, I cant help but want to try dbol with it, even if its just for the first couple weeks. 25mg ed between 2-4 weeks is what i'm thinking.
25 is such a low amount. Dbol gives you crazy bloat. But if I were you I would leave that for your next cycle and just run the cyp at 500/wk. Dbol is best at 40-50mg for 4 weeks. Really harsh on your liver. Save it.
25 is such a low amount. Dbol gives you crazy bloat. But if I were you I would leave that for your next cycle and just run the cyp at 500/wk. Dbol is best at 40-50mg for 4 weeks. Really harsh on your liver. Save it.

agreed!!! may bloat like a mofo on 500mg of test,but you wont know until you use it,thats why just running one compound for your first cycle is best,so when your 2nd cycle starts,if you have any sides you will know what is causing them and take the appropiate measures to control them
Well, sounds like its best to skip the dbol and just do the test cyp. I'm not in my 20's anymore so that's what ill do.

Thanks guys!

Quick question, is there any benefit to increasing my test levels naturally before going on cycle? By using stuff like zma, tribulus, etc. that is.

I'm just afraid at my age my test levels will remain low permanently after cycle and ill need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or something in my near future because of these cycles.
Well, sounds like its best to skip the dbol and just do the test cyp. I'm not in my 20's anymore so that's what ill do.

Thanks guys!

Quick question, is there any benefit to increasing my test levels naturally before going on cycle? By using stuff like zma, tribulus, etc. that is.

I'm just afraid at my age my test levels will remain low permanently after cycle and ill need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or something in my near future because of these cycles.
imo i think products like zma are worthless,after your cycle you must run a post cycle therapy (pct) to kickstart your natural test production again