Hi all
180 10%bf, 5'6", 37yrs
Looking into doing my first bulking cycle
Been working out off and on for years now 8+
till recently mostly off (let my self go )
Been working out now for about a year
Just lost 25pounds fat and have my diet in check 40/40/20
Ive got dbol,test cyp, EQ, and Sustanon on hand
Ive done a pro hormone cycle years ago like 10 years ago if this makes any difference. Not sure if this length of time from anything makes this a first cycle as far as receptors and stuff are concerned?
Question is: Which combo from what I have would make the best first cycle?
I'm thinking either dbol 25mg-30mg ed for 3 or 4 weeks, with 500 mg test cyp every 10 days @ 100mg every other day.
sustanon 250mg/EQ 200mg a week, with dbol same as above
Any opinions would be appreciated!
Oh and i have my pct in order: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, arimidex on hand, sutain alpha, zma, tribulus, D aspartic acid
180 10%bf, 5'6", 37yrs
Looking into doing my first bulking cycle
Been working out off and on for years now 8+
till recently mostly off (let my self go )
Been working out now for about a year
Just lost 25pounds fat and have my diet in check 40/40/20
Ive got dbol,test cyp, EQ, and Sustanon on hand
Ive done a pro hormone cycle years ago like 10 years ago if this makes any difference. Not sure if this length of time from anything makes this a first cycle as far as receptors and stuff are concerned?
Question is: Which combo from what I have would make the best first cycle?
I'm thinking either dbol 25mg-30mg ed for 3 or 4 weeks, with 500 mg test cyp every 10 days @ 100mg every other day.
sustanon 250mg/EQ 200mg a week, with dbol same as above
Any opinions would be appreciated!
Oh and i have my pct in order: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva, arimidex on hand, sutain alpha, zma, tribulus, D aspartic acid