First Cycle - Dbol/Test E


New member
Just got my first cycle up and running, will do a log here. Any comments or critique will be taken onboard. I think at my current stats some of you will suggest waiting it out, as is the norm but I have already made the decision to go through, i have started and will follow through.

23 Yrs
BF: ~20%
Starting Weight: 89KG/196LBS

Been training on and off for several years (was in extremely good shape once upon a time but this was many years ago)
Two years ago I had reach 104kgs/230 lbs at probably more than 35% bf, in other words disgustingly out of shape due to unfortunate events and overall bad habits and attitude. Brought this down to approximately 81kgs / 178 lbs because it was getting just ridiculous. Climbing a flight of stairs was a mission, the last few months i've spent doing a lot of core strength workouts and high intensity cardio to build up cardiovascular strength which has improved. Routine is now in place as is diet. I am now following the plan as below:

Dbol (Pink thais) : Weeks 1 - 5 - 30/30/40/40/40
Test E: Weeks 1 - 12 - 250mg/wk - pinning twice
Have suffered from gyno through puberty so this is not a big concern as sometime in the future i will seek surgery however I have arimidex on hand to minimise water weight

4000 Cal / day
5 Meals a day / 2 shakes
300g carbs, 250g protein
Morning meals consist of predominantly wholemeal bread, salmon, eggs
Other meals consist of beef or chicken/ brown rice / steamed vegetables
Aiming for a clean bulk (by this i mean the clean-EST bulk possible, I'm well aware i will gain some degree of fat)

Nolvadex and Clomid on hand
Have been suggested I run sus alongside the PCT? Comments on this would be appreciated?

17th March - Begun dbol
18th March - first pin 250 mg

thanks guys will keep updating
Are u pinning 250mgs twice a week for a total of 500mgs a week? If your only doing 250mgs a week of test, that's pretty low... U don't want want to run Sustanon with pct if that's what u ment. Reading the stickys would help u out.
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On a quick side note, did the first pin yesterday. Was extra careful, different needles for drawing and injection, swabbed the quad properly, injected slow, aspirated, injected the test extremely slow and massaged for a few minutes after the pin. Basically followed all the fundamental rules of a safe pin. Drew blood for a few seconds which went away no problem. It's now been about 20 hours, I feel literally no pain or change in feeling in my quad. While I understand that this is probably a good thing (who wants sides right?) can someone a little more experienced tell me whether i'm missing something? Should I be experiencing some degree of pain? anything? used a 25g 1 inch.

Also, should I be looking into hcg?

Any help will be appreciated, thanks guys
sweet, had to ask out of curiosity. spent a lotta time reading and being told about people with infections and improperly injected fluid n crap, guess i got lucky this time. any thoughts not the sus during pct?
2 weeks after cycle start post cycle therapy (pct). Do nolva 40mgs a day for 2 weeks, then 20mgs a day for 2 weeks. Run clomid @50mgs a day for 4 weeks with nolva.
g2g by the looks of it then, cheers for clearing that up.

anyone know if its wroth running winstrol during pct? do i need to look into hcg?
Checking for a week 1 update..

Weighed in this morning, before consuming any solids or liquids, empty stomach and am sitting at 93.5 kgs /206 lbs exactly. At this point I'm going to assume this gains mostly water weight however I do feel stronger and thicker. I have begun the arimidex as well which will be keeping some of the water weight down. Many people have commented on increased size however we'll see once a little more time passes.

2 pins through now in the quad and fortunately no pip so I must be extremely lucky
maintaining a fairly clean diet and pushing UPTO 3500 cals a day, I'm usually a very heavy eater but seem to have lost my appetite recently. anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on this?
I thought any type of Dbol was frowned upon on first cycle because of how harsh it can be, I was going to try dbol/test cycle and got numerous comments of doing test alone first, surprised I'm not seeing the same responses here. Well goodluck with your cycle, curious to know about the results.
I agree, have to say i've read a few times that first cycle should only run one compound but I decided to go against this and run the dbol anyway for a kickstart

pct I'm running nolva at 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/50/50 as tobenxl also suggested

I'm about 10 days into the cycle, seem to be getting good strength and size gains. as in my update post i was writing off some of the gains as water weight but i do feel more leaner in general. considering getting a dexa scan done next week to outline some more accurate progress.

overall I'm up about 8.8 pounds as of this morning
DAY 14 Update

- Feeling heavy strength gains now, all lifts +20%
- BF% feels unchanged, although water retention should be expected I feel more 'solid'
- Weight is upto 95.1 kg / 209.5 lbs

I did a lot of research and preparing prior to running this cycle but for some reason i failed to have been told about the 'test flu' by anyone, which hit me HARD. The worst of it is now over however i suffered a little during the week. My appetite was reduced to nothing and I was struggling to hit 2500 - 3000 cals. Suffered from headaches, fevers, sweats at night and just an overall lack of energy and appetite. I pushed through the training sessions but it was NOT easy. Now that it's passed I feel amazing, strength is peaking, generally feel active and ready to go.

Pins are going great, fingers crossed. So far no pip or issues, still pinning twice a week, monday morning and thursday evening 250 mg each time.

I've increased the dbol to 40mg now and will run for another 2 weeks. Will have enough left over for an extra week, can anyone advise whether there will be any benefit to running it a couple of extra days?
gotta dexa scan done today with some good and bad news

bad news - my bf% was a little higher than I thought, it's at 22% however it seems unchanged even with the gain in weight

good news - the last time I had a scan done was a few months ago and weighed in at 95.4 kg. Weighed in today at 96.8kg / 213lbs whilst cutting exactly 5 kg / 11 lbs of fat. In other words bf% is dropping heavily, huge increases in lean mass

will do another scan at week 12 to measure up the total results. will keep posting the progress.
For anyone still watching this thread, end of week 3 today and results are as follows:

Weight is sitting at 96 kg/ 211lbs
in other words not much weight increase as such but I'm not letting this bother me as i look and feel a lot leaner. Lean gains seem to be going good, dexa scan in a few weeks will show exactly where I'm sitting.

considered hitting 50mg of dbol, can anyone comment on possible benefit/disadvantage of this? is it worth doing?

Weight has hit 97.2 kg / 214.2 lbs
Feel a little more bloated now than say a week ago
Can't imagine much of this gain being lean gain, i got too confident and took advantage of the strength increase too quick and now I'm paying the price
seemed to have done a bit of damage to my rotator cuff so workouts this week have been very lightweight/high rep with a lot of stretches and rotator cuff exercises to try and strengthen it again, seem to be recovering and hopefully this week will be more productive