First Cycle Diet Help!


Thanks for the Memories
I've started today my very 1st cycle of Test E. That 1st pin FELT SO GOOD :D

Anyway, I do weigh everything I eat by the gram, especially now that I'm on a diet.

I will continue my diet 2 weeks into my cycle. After that my goal is to put on as much as mass as possible while maintaining my low BF%. I'll be using clen these 2 weeks (also 1st time) to get as shredded as possible and I'm really bringing my carbs down this time since clen is anti catabolic. This is the harshest diet I've ever attempted.

Current stats: 200lb, 5'11", ~ 10% BF

My maintenance cals are around 3,000 (given my metabolism is fully recovered)

For these 2 weeks I'm bringing my cals down to 2,000 (100 carbs, 70 fat, 250 protein).

My question is this: I don't wanna miss out on the gains I can get from the test but at the same time I don't wanna get all the fat I've been dieting so hard to lose for the past 3 months. No matter what I wanna maintain my BF% throughout this cycle. If I can't I might as well give it up... How should I increase my calories after these 2 weeks given my goals? (Mainly I wanna manipulate carbs and keep fat, protein the same)