First Cycle EVER - Cutting one - Doubts with this suggested cycle!


New member
Hi all,
I m a male, 27 yo, living in Rome.
After training for 4 years (last one very seriously) I decided to go with steroids and make my first cycle.
Some infos: 196cm (6,5) - 95kg - 15%bf

I know that is not usual but I want to start with a cutting cycle.
My goal is not to become huge, but to gain definition, quality and some muscles.
In other words i want to convert fat into lean mass, but going with an hypocaloric without steroids is a good way to lose a lot of your gains.
Another important thing: My final goal is not to become a Bodybuilder. Im aiming to become shredded with medium volumes. (A pushed version of a Fitness Model)
Thats it.

So now to the question.
I have got these gears:
- Tren (Injections: 100mg per ml)
- Winstrol (Tabs: 10mg per tab)
- MultiTest ( Injections: 1ml contains multi Tests [42mg Propionate, 84mg Phenyloropionate, 84 mg, Isocaproate, 140 Decanoate])
- Clenbuterol (Tabs: 20mg per tab)
- Mesterolone [Proviron] (Tabs: 25mg per tab)

But the guy that sold to me this stuff prepare only pro athletes for pro competitions, so he made this cycle that to me looks like too heavy (keep in mind my goals).
Im more for the way to make slow gains through the year (but the natural way is too slow and you have to keep a perfect diet to see some results) instead of make fast gains with more sides effects.
So, thats the cycle that this dude made for me:

CYCLE (Total 6 weeks)

1 - 6 week: 1tab(25mg) Mesterolone each day
1 - 6 week: 5tabs(50mg) Winstrol each day
1 - 6 week: 1ml(see above) MultiTest each week
1 - 3 week: 2ml(200mg) Tren each week
4 - 6 week: 3ml(300mg) Tren each week

Weeks 8-9 PCT
So any opinion? Is too strong?
Anyone (Using this gear that I already paid) can suggest to me a better/softer Cutting cycle?

Another question:
I was pretty sure that, during the cut, the diet has to be Hypocaloric with High Proteins (4gr per Kg), but the suggested diet was Hypercaloric one with High Proteins.
Is that correct?

Thank you for all for your time.
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I would recommend to do a test only cycle for your first cycle, so you could see how your body reacts to it.
Jumping to tren for your first cycle isn't a good idea, since you wont know whats giving you the bad sides(test, or tren), so you wont know what to stop or what to do.

What are you doing for estrogen control?
and whats your pct like?
6 weeks isn't enought with the test blend you have chosen due to the esters. And as said previously, a first cycle should only be testosterone - not stacked with other steroids. This will be more than sufficient to minimize muscle loss during a cut. You will need to bump up the dose though. If you stay with that ester blend you will have to pin EOD.

Where are your ancillaries like AI and hCG?

What will you PCT be? When starting? Doses? For how long?
The guy told me that isn't necessary the hCG for this cycle, because the quantities are low.
For that exact reason I made this post.

Well if I will go with a Test only, i will start in September with a Bulking Cycle.
Reading all the Sticky Threads a good first timer cycle should be:

1-12 week: T350 - 4ml(400mg) per week(200mg on Monday and 200 mg on Thursday)
1-12 week: Hcg 500iu (250ui with each Test inj day)
1-12 week: Arimidex EOD (0.25mg)
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct

14-16 week: 40mg Nolvadex each day

Is this ok?
The Tren and the Winny? For a 2nd cycle?
Kudos to you for double checking with this forum on your I'll advised cycle. If you must be limited to 8 weeks then use a single ester (fast) test like prop for the whole cycle. Sust350 takes too long to reach max saturation levels5-7 weeks. 1st cycle should never include tren of any kind.
, and preferably just test only (cypionate or enanthate) with 10-12 weeks as a minimum. An anti-estrogen and hcg is paramount for cycle success stories well as recovery with a proper pct.
Running a proper cycle is way more complicated than injecting a few cc of oil in your body and doing some push-ups.
Like I said before, not flaming at all but get educated for your benefit before starting down thus path. I'm pretty sure you care more about you than the guy that sold you this cycle
The guy told me that isn't necessary the hCG for this cycle, because the quantities are low.
For that exact reason I made this post.

Well if I will go with a Test only, i will start in September with a Bulking Cycle.
Reading all the Sticky Threads a good first timer cycle should be:

1-12 week: T350 - 4ml(400mg) per week(200mg on Monday and 200 mg on Thursday)
1-12 week: Hcg 500iu (250ui with each Test inj day)
1-12 week: Arimidex EOD (0.25mg)
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct

14-16 week: 40mg Nolvadex each day

Is this ok?
The Tren and the Winny? For a 2nd cycle?

Much better.mske sure yur doses are right with the test you chose.4ml of t350id more like 1400mg/week. No more than .75ml (t350)=262.5 × 2inj/week = 525mg/wk would be a b out right
Welcome to the board :wavey:

OP since you are asking to see what most protocols are like, well Meg and Carverelli have hi it on point. There are some real informative threads called sticky's in where you came in to post. Do some reading on beginner cycles and much more.

It is good that you came to Steroidology to check in with the vets. Your NEW plan looks pretty good.

Stay with us over your BB career continues.
Good Luck
It's amazing how you save a lot of people doing wrong stuff that can ruin their body forever.
Thank very much you all, for the effort that you put in threads like this, even if there are thing told and re-told again.