First cycle ever


New member
ok guys been doing some researching, asking around and I think I'm about ready.. Please any input would be greatly appreciated..Waiting on aromasin and nolva before I start

29 yrs old
187lbs (roughly)
13% Body fat (roughly) done electronicaly not to acurate..

Mon- Cheast/Tri/15-30mins of cardio
Wed-Legs/15-30mins of cardio
Fri-arm/15-30mins of cardio

Protein-Chicken,Steak,Lean Hambuger meat,Greek yogurt,Egg white
Carbs/Whole grain rice/Wheat breads/sweet and baked potatoe

Cycle Plan
12.5mg ED Aromasin 2 weeks before cycle, through cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) and 2 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct)
Wk 1-12 250mg x2 500 Total of Test E Mon and Thurs
Wk 13-17 Nolv 40/40/20/20 (Clomid is questionable 100/100/50/50)
Have deca on hand not sure if i wanna throw that in there since its my first cycle. If i do how do you think I should dose that.

Well there is it guys any questions,comments,concerns???
Everything looks good don't use the deca since its your first cycle..keep it simple keep the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand if u need some guys will tell diff it's just my opinion. What labs are u using ?Also eat like crazy bro u r 6ft tall n weight 187. U can easily hold 15 20 pounds..
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Everything looks good don't use the deca since its your first cycle..keep it simple keep the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand if u need some guys will tell diff it's just my opinion. What labs are u using ?Also eat like crazy bro u r 6ft tall n weight 187. U can easily hold 15 20 pounds..

^^^ what he said plus no need to start Aromatase inhibitor (AI) before the cycle I think you start it if need it or if you know are Gyno prone(which I doub it cause if first cycle) then start it right way.
Nice.. ill prob just run the test then.. i have the deca on hand and figured i might as well run it to.. the gear is kane pharmaceutical.. All the research ive done it says to run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while on cycle..
yeah i agree, just do a test only cycle and see how your body reacts to it
u will get very nice gains just off a " Test only cycle"
i am on my 3rd cycle and still running a " Test only cycle" and still seeing very nice gains bro
running 400mg of Test C :)
As for Aromatase inhibitor (AI), i dont run nothing, i have Nolv if sides persist, other then that i run Nolv for my PCT
everyone's body is different!
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Sounds like a plan to me.. Ill run test and keep everything else the same.. thanks for the advice guys.. Ill prob start monday, got the paper work for bloodwork so ill get that tomorrow and be set..
I will say this about the Aromatase inhibitor (AI). get some having on hand if gyno or bloated (water retention) occurs used it. Sometimes there is no need to jump on Nolva for gyno when an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can be used plus if you retention of water sees like too much Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will help as well. My choice will be Aromasin.
Yea im taking it now and it taste like ass.. went to get blood work but they wouldnt do it cause they said i could get or drink norhing for 12 hrs.. i didnt know that
Had my first pin monday everything went well.. was taking liquid stane as a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle at 12.5mg.. I just dropped it down to 10mg yesterday and i'll see how it goes from there.. Pinned my right quad myself, Wife did my left one Thursday.. My right leg was sore tuesday all the way up till now.. left one wasnt bad, I think cause my wife did it fast and when i did it I pinned slow.. so i'll try to get her to assit me.. started to sweat a lil more and felt a lil more energetic.. Could be my imagination..
At least some guys think that running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case is kinda dumb. I don't see a reason to run it if u don't need it. Eating lots of protein clean carbs low sodium will keep you from holding to much water. U should be good to go.
At least some guys think that running Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case is kinda dumb. I don't see a reason to run it if u don't need it. Eating lots of protein clean carbs low sodium will keep you from holding to much water. U should be good to go.

Few times I get the same opinion from you and thats fine, dumb is not have it. Not cause you think one way is the right way my man. To prevent water retention and control "E2" levels is a GOOD option to run it. You told me on other post not to start it right?? so do your comment and thats it, prolly you never experience water retention and you are not as everybody else. Go and read how many times vets here suggest to run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) since the beggining of the cycle go head and read. If you want to start shit let me fucking know DUMB FUCK!!!
Im prob just gonna keep running it and add more if i start to get sensitive nips..when i was taking 12.5 mg i was miserable just didnt feel like doing nothing, i assumed i was taking to much so i back down the doseage.. so far so food
Well thinking the key is adjust to what works for you, if you getting those fellings lower the dose and you will know when to go or down plus for future cycles you know how to dose it.
lol=trylng to reach 50 posts

Lol.. trying to..

Did my third pin today. No pain yet, pinned right quad.. chest tri and abs.. havent notice much difference yet.. made some grilled chix with whole wheat pasta and tuna fish.with Ezekiel bread for tonight.. looking into getting somw hcg do a 10 day blast at the end
Pikiki u can suck my test e loaded fucking's my opinion u don't need to call nobody names makes u sound like a little fucking kid. Grow the hell up. If u don't like it just post your opinion n keep on going.
Pikiki u can suck my test e loaded fucking's my opinion u don't need to call nobody names makes u sound like a little fucking kid. Grow the hell up. If u don't like it just post your opinion n keep on going.

lol ...I`m done with you idiot I will not fuck this guy thread wasting my time with you.