first cycle ever


New member
hi im new to steroids. This summer im going to go to Amsterdam and i wanted to do a cycle. I did some research but dont know if what i have is a good cycle or not. my cycle is: 250mg Test enth, 300mg deca, tren enth e3d, 250 mg hcg, and arimidex. will you please tell me if this is a good cycle for my fist time. my goals are just to bulk up a ton and get stong. If you think I should not take something or have any recommendations on what else I Gould take please let me know. Thanks
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First cycle should be a testosterone only cycle broski. Try test E or C 300mg to 500mg per week for 8 to 10 or even 12 weeks. get arimidex or letro for estrogen sides, letro being the stronger one for people who are very sensitive. But do your reaserch on these compounds before runing enything. ask around man, theres alot of good bros here, dont be afraid to ask.
youre heading for disater and what you have planned is a pros stack, just look at a 12 week test cycle and understand how to recover and keep your gains start adding things later when youve outgrown and no longer respond to safe test dosages
I'm new also and have learned that you want Test (I'm doing 500mg TEST E at 250mg mon/thurs) only as a first cycle to see how your body reacts.
If you stack already you won't know what is giving you problems, if any. And your post cycle therapy (pct) sounds to be the most important thing to worry about. To get you back to normal levels after cycle and keep your gains. Like Clomid and Nolvadex. I plan on using arimidex during my cycle as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to ward off signs of geno. Hope this helps!
Test cyp gave me very bad anxiety.. Just stay calm and relaxed and worst comes to worst go to doc for anxiety medication. I'm new to this as well but been told by several good buddies that stacking is not a good thing to do your first cycle