
New member
Hey guys,

hope you're well. im up here for the first time. i've been planning my first cycle. i'm 5'11/5'10, 75kg (and have been for the past 4yrs), 15% bf max, i bench 60kg max and i want to take ANAVAR

my plan looks like this -

Week anavar mg ed nolva
1 25
2 50
3 50
4 50
5 50
6 75 1/2 tab
7 75 1/2 tab
8 100 1/2 tab
9 100 1/2 tab
10 100 1/2 tab
11 50 1/2 tab
12 50 1/2 tab

10 days after last day of week 12 i am planning to take 1 clomid tab ed for 7 days.

Critical criticism is welcome!

All the best,

H :cool:
If your a woman, great cycle. If not then really bad one. Do some research, you always need Test as a base. Oral only cycle will fuck you up big time and no gains will come out of this.


Really? I just want to put on a bit of lean muscle and shred up. the thing is there are hardly any side effects to anavar whereas you can expect problems in the future with the other stuff....

thanks for the reply!
Fraid of needles bro? Add some test. 500 a week. Twelve weeks. Ditch the anavar, it's for pussies.

Really? I just want to put on a bit of lean muscle and shred up. the thing is there are hardly any side effects to anavar whereas you can expect problems in the future with the other stuff....

thanks for the reply!

No side effects huh? It will still shut your own natural test down.
LOLOL, am i soft or something, i didnt realise....

not afraid of needles, i just thought i would do something really basic and with minimal sides and not so drastic
Welcome ! How old r u ? var only cylces are for women, what you really need is good old test e, orals alone cycles are a no...
Test is a good base for the beginners, test can be stacked with different compounds, seems you need to do more reaserch before you start a cycle... Read the stickys and hang around.
Im 25yrs old. what kind of results can i expect from test e?

Welcome ! How old r u ? var only cylces are for women, what you really need is good old test e, orals alone cycles are a no...
Test is a good base for the beginners, test can be stacked with different compounds, seems you need to do more reaserch before you start a cycle... Read the stickys and hang around.
We can see your face bro ;). From my reading it's a good idea to do what the guys said and run some test E, maybe at 400mg/ week but it's up to you. With a good post cycle therapy (pct) you will keep those awesome anavar gains and get a little bigger. Take some clen and do some cardio if you want to cut down after.
please please please dont do the var only cycle. Id recommend something smaller for you- deffinetly an injectable - I am thinking some sort of a test (c, E, P) or I would go for sust/test 400. In addition, id add tbol into this which is oral. you are very lean and look like an ectomorph body type. your biggest challange will be eating, thus i wouldnt worry about the weight gain. you can take some clen or even GNC fat burners to help with that. I think you will get decent results. Again i stress the diet and proper training or dont even run a cycle. Most likely focus on chest and legs as i see they are more underdeveloped. update on what you end up trying ;)
Test prop sounds like a good idea. Theres a lot of test prop/Anavar cycle logs and pictures. All varying in length, and results/gains. Check out some of those. Youll get a better feel for dosages and expected results. Bear in mind everyone is defferent. Test is an absolute must IMO. Its said in probably 100 different threads here...Test should be the base of your cycle. Especially with your physique, Id run test at 400-500mg/week And eat like a CHAMP. You may be suprised at the results. If you cant be convinced to drop the Var for your first cycle, then run it for about last eight weeks...something like that. Look into those threads about Test+Var. Im no expert, just regurgitating information/advice given to me. good luck.
That's why i added the nolva and clomid

And your gonna want to have a good Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand (if your going ahead with the Test...regardless of which ester). Not need. Aromasin, Arimidex, something along those lines....
Again..all info found ANYWHERE around here...
BOOM!! haha.

From the looks/sounds of need to eat dude!

I totally agree. Id get some weight gainer or mega mass shit. 4000/4500 calories per day Id say from your looks. If you are gonna run a cycle, make sure diet is good before you do it, otherwise you are harming your body, and wasting your money with minimal results. not to discourage, just bein real.