first cycle for skinny guy, not sure what to take, please help


New member
Hey everyone, iv been weight lifting and training now for just over a year and have decided i want to start steroids, i have been looking at Stanozolol becasue its quite clean and good for athletics and getting shreaded. The only problem that i think i will face is that im still quite skinny and lean at 150-160 pounds :( what would people recomend for me to take to get slightly larger whilst staying lean and also athletic? if you can post in comments, im after pills and wouldnt mind some information on the steroids you reccomend eg side effects, benefits etc.. im in the UK aswell and unsure where to purchase these items as i have looked online and just dont know wether there real or fake...

Thanks guys and gals for taking the time to read and comment :D
OMG :Pat: So much for you to learn. Before I go anywhere I must tell you if you do not want to inject then this is not for you. Orals are very bad for your liver. Second right off you never do a compound without using some dosage of Testosterone...need to know why....:dunno:
First we need all your stats.

You are 160 lbs are you 5'7" or 6'2" I am saying how do we assess you being skinny without knowing at what height.

But there is so much to know and we cannot spoon feed you al this information. You need to read all the sticky posts found back where you came in to start your thread. They are labeled sticky. Read all of them and you will begin learning what all you need to know.

Also beginning steroids after one year of training is not advised. You have know base and will quickly be likely to get injured. More for you to learn why...

Learn about estrogen, Prolactin and Progesterone.

Good luck , start reading and Welcome :wavey:

You cannot just get on here or go to a gym and say hey wanna do steroids what to do :dunno:
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What Mike said ^^^^^.

My advice without knowing anything about your age or conditioning is to get on a powerlifting routine where you are doing compound big bar movements (i.e not machines, or machines in limited doses mixed with free weights), do this along with eating clean at a calorie surplus for a couple of years. If you do it right you will gain a great deal of strength and size naturally, then depending on your age you could think about taking drugs.
Where did you go OP...? I can only guess you are too young and don't want to hear that and maybe embarrassed.

Ya know we really like it when you noobs post with a Q and get replies and but NEVER to hear from you again. :mad: Ya think :dunno:

Maybe that in and of itself says you aren't ready to be an adult much less the responsibility to use AAS as safe as possible. However if that's the case when you become of age we still invite you to get advice and learn from O'logy. That's what we do here , help teach the safe use of AAS. :wavey: