First cycle help, adding other compounds?


New member

I think I've achieved a lot naturally, have I completely reached my potential? Probably not but I'm ready to dive into this. I've been researching quite a while and know the deal, everyone seems to recommend just running a test cycle to begin with. I'm running this into a few shows and have a certain look I want to achieve (hard,dry,defined) so that's why I'm interested in adding other compounds.

Basic cycle

Weeks 1-12 Test E: 500mg/week (Split 250mg M/TH)
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex: .25mg/EOD, went on a dreamer bulk and got gyno over the winter (no AAS) so I think I'm gyno prone and will adjust this as necessary. That's why I'm starting it right away and not waiting.


2 weeks after last pin

Weeks 14-18: Nolvadex 20/20/20/20
Weeks 14-18: Clomid 50/50/50/50

What my question is, would incorporating something like anavar, proviron or Winstrol (winny) helpful? I'd be most interested in the var or proviron. If it matters I will probably run clen with this cycle. Also would HCG be really beneficial? I do want to keep atrophy to a minimum.

Thanks for your help,
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hcg is definitely important, it keeps your boys working, especially the blast before pct, the quicker you get your natural test back up the better!... Winstrol (winny) is a killer on your joints, everyone i know who's been on Winstrol (winny) wont use it again, if you get real legit anavar that will be great, yes we're all meant to do test only first time round but i'm using var at 50mg per day and roughly 2 and a half weeks into the var and it works great! legit anavar is going to cost you a lot, if it's cheap it's not legit, strength gains started from day 3 for me on the var, it's great in my opinion... get some liver support, milk thistle, liv52 and NAC... all the best!

I think I've achieved a lot naturally, have I completely reached my potential? Probably not but I'm reaidy to dive into this. I've been researching quite a while and know the deal, everyone seems to recommend just running a test cycle to begin with. I'm running this into a few shows and have a certain look I want to achieve (hard,dry,defined) so that's why I'm interested in adding other compounds.

Basic cycle

Weeks 1-12 Test E: 500mg/week (Split 250mg M/TH)
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex: .25mg/EOD, went on a dreamer bulk and got gyno over the winter (no AAS) so I think I'm gyno prone and will adjust this as necessary. That's why I'm starting it right away and not waiting.


2 weeks after last pin

Weeks 14-18: Nolvadex 20/20/20/20
Weeks 14-18: Clomid 50/50/50/50

What my question is, would incorporating something like anavar, proviron or Winstrol (winny) helpful? I'd be most interested in the var or proviron. If it matters I will probably run clen with this cycle. Also would Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) be really beneficial? I do want to keep atrophy to a minimum.

Thanks for your help,

First off you didn't list your height so your weight doesn't mean shit to us.
Second how do you know your bf% did you test it?
And 3rd you should wait a while still...too young brother. 23 is minimum age with 25 being best/safest choice.
And 4th how long.have you been lifting (serious) training and what's your diet like?
And for a first.time user, if you do, I wouldn't recommend clen.yet.