The Grinch

New member
So I just finished up my first cycle and my wife knew something was up right away, up ha ha. I'll give you a little back ground first. My job sent me to school for a month away from home and my buddy that went with me talked me into do my first cycle (Deca/Sus/Dbol). We hit the gym 5 days a week and I tried to put in roughly 3500 calories a day. After 25 days I put on 24 lbs (180 to 204)! Holy fucking shit! I've been a hard gainer my whole life. I can cut weight like nobody's business but putting on size has ALWAYS been extremely difficult for me. For the last 3 years I've been doing Beachbody programs (P90X, Insanity, ect.) off and on. I trimmed down a lot but never got any real size. Anyways as soon I got home my wife through a party for me and everybody was "Wow, what happened to you? Did you take steroids or something." My wife constantly grabs my now. My Sex drive went through the roof! I feel like a dog, I dry hump everything I see, ha ha.

Anyways, I just started my second cycle with just the Deca and Sus. After reading about the Dbol I decided not the do back to back cycles due to liver risks. It's been 2 weeks since I've been back and Im still at 200. For my 3rd cycle I was hoping to get back on the Dbol (60mg/day) and maybe switch from Sus to Tren . Thoughts?
So I just finished up my first cycle and my wife knew something was up right away, up ha ha. I'll give you a little back ground first. My job sent me to school for a month away from home and my buddy that went with me talked me into do my first cycle (Deca/Sus/Dbol). We hit the gym 5 days a week and I tried to put in roughly 3500 calories a day. After 25 days I put on 24 lbs (180 to 204)! Holy fucking shit! I've been a hard gainer my whole life. I can cut weight like nobody's business but putting on size has ALWAYS been extremely difficult for me. For the last 3 years I've been doing Beachbody programs (P90X, Insanity, ect.) off and on. I trimmed down a lot but never got any real size. Anyways as soon I got home my wife through a party for me and everybody was "Wow, what happened to you? Did you take steroids or something." My wife constantly grabs my now. My Sex drive went through the roof! I feel like a dog, I dry hump everything I see, ha ha.

Anyways, I just started my second cycle with just the Deca and Sus. After reading about the Dbol I decided not the do back to back cycles due to liver risks. It's been 2 weeks since I've been back and Im still at 200. For my 3rd cycle I was hoping to get back on the Dbol (60mg/day) and maybe switch from Sus to Tren . Thoughts?

How long are these cycles for? It appears as if you are cycling for 4 weeks, with no hcg/ai during the cycle or pct... Is that correct or did I misinterpret something?

Also, what's your current stats? age/bf/years of training..
Yeah - we need more info and we need to get your second cycle in check before
working on the third.

It's great that you're here asking questions... "but you're about to go off the rails."

You should always have testosterone in your cycle so you don't want to kill the sust in the third.

A general rule of thumb is - every cycle should have... testosterone and hCG - as the base of the cycle.

I would only consider a cycle without hCG if the cycle was only light levels of test.

Plus, you REALLY need to plan your PCT!!!
You are correct nothing other then noted above. 38 years old. Training has been on and off (more off then on) for about 10 years. Yeah my cycle last about 5 weeks.
You need to get on your pct.

Rule of thumb also is time on +pct is the same amount of time off.
if you want to do short cycles, i suggest you run short esters. but good job on adding the weight, did u have any Ai on hand to control the estrogen?