First Cycle how many calories?

Thats what separates the average from the best ;) Before my first AAS I trained 3 hours a day with 3.5-5k cals a day clean-6 days a week year round. Did very good always grew every month

exactly.. what you put in is always what you get out
3j d you still advice no carbs at night, i thought growth hormone wasnt anabolic in physiological levels, what about this, and I saw your diet recommendations but should I be getting so much protein? And what is your take on carb backloading?
Too mich protein and more carbs at night

3j d you still advice no carbs at night, i thought growth hormone wasnt anabolic in physiological levels, what about this, and I saw your diet recommendations but should I be getting so much protein? And what is your take on carb backloading?
3j d you still advice no carbs at night, i thought growth hormone wasnt anabolic in physiological levels, what about this, and I saw your diet recommendations but should I be getting so much protein? And what is your take on carb backloading?

carb backloading has its tactical value when done correctly...

as for having carbs before bed.. yes, i try to stay away from it.. it doesn't make a huge impact but why make any impact at all
Ok, should I start the 500 calorie surplus from the first week, or wait until the 4th or 5th week? Also how are people able to gain from 15 to 30 pounds from first cycle is it because they were eating a HUGE caloric surplus, or because of the fact that 1 pound of muscle is 600 calories and we dont need more than 500 caloric surplus with lots of protein to build all the muscle and because feed efficiency is augmentated with the supraphysiological levels of test? I just ask because I dont understand how they gain so much with just 500 calories over maintenance
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from week one..

6000 calories for a lb of muscle?? huh??

Is that the benefit of taking AAS-Test surplus only? Talking about 500mg avg, that it breaks the rule on how much muscle mass can be added per week? I always hear from some YT videos and supposed scientist/diet advisers that only so much can be added naturally a week, even if u train a muscle x2 a week with 48h rest recovery + good sleep 8hrs. Looking at maybe .5lb MAX due to the amt of test u produce, but when it rises 5x the nat levels, it can go up to 1lb easily per week IF U HAVE A BIG ENOUGH SURPLUS that is. Yes or no? I'm wondering. Or would the general 500+ above matience be more advisable for a test E AAS cycle.

Thank J
I read somewhere that 1 pound of muscle is 600 calories and 1 pound of fat is 3500, but ok i will just add 500 to my current tdee, and how much should i gain per week, is 2 pounds good enough? I ser people gaining up to 2 1/2 weekly plus the bloat.
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