First Cycle Log

Another quick update. Weight is stable at 247 for a few days now. Topping 6000 calories for two days and still no change, but I'm definitely putting on crazy muscle. Will do a bodyfat test next week to see if there's been any change.

Bench is up 30 in 5 weeks; not too bad. Put 70 on my deads so I'm real happy there. Squats are only up 40 total so far, but I think I could push them harder. I'm just being careful for fear of injury.

StoneColdNTO said:
That's a little much for a first cycle.

I'd suggest you do a Test only cycle to see how you respond.
500mg/week for 10 week......that's it, keep it simple.
Start post cycle therapy (pct) two weeks after last injection.

Ok, Sustanon 250 ... is it a good choice for a 1st cyc?
Time for an update!

I've been stomping the shit out of myself in the gym! Added in more carbs and fat and BAM, I'm now at 261 and holding for two days! My lifts all go up every week and I feel better and better. Putting on some fat, but A LOT of quality mass.

I just started the tren/win addition, so my new stack for the next 8 looks like this:

Test Enan 750/week (E3.5D)
EQ 600/week (E3.5D)
Tren Acetate 75/day
Winny 50/day
HCG 500iu (E3.5D)

I was using liquidex at .5mg/day, and will keep that going for a couple weeks. I will then try stopping that to see if any bloat creeps in.

(Why do I feel like I need a disclaimer?? Here goes)
If anyone wants to comment on how this is too much or anything like that, please PM me or put it in a different thread. I would like to keep this dedicated to MY cycle. My goals are to go competitive in about a year so for me this is well worth it. Constructive comments are welcome though!
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Sorry bud, didn't notice your question. In my opinion, my strength SUCKS ass. I am not "naturally strong" and I don't have the years of experience to get proprioception up into the higher percentages. It'll get there....

I have not 1RMd since I started my cycle, but here's my workout weights:

Dead 5x5: 325 (limited by grip, just got straps)
Flat Bench: 275 :(
Standing BB Curl: 110
Squat: 315

I (try to) do all my 5x5's w/ perfect form and NO bouncing. Nice slow precise movemments. If I bounce, I can push over 300 on bench but that's not the route I want to take... For 1RM's I'm guessing I can go quite a bit higher than these weights.
Quick Update:
I ballooned up to 270 for two days, then settled back at 267. Pretty happy with that. 36" pants still fit so fat gain isn't too bad.

I've been having huge problems with injection pain. Not sure what's going on, but I had a quad shot hat left me limping for 4 days so far. Still swelling, redness or anything else, just really sore. Glutes are the same. SUCKS!!! I'll get through it though. The ED injects are a PITA and at the same time I kinda like them. :)
Also wanted to add this. Gaining this fast has left my vascular system a bit behind schedule. I sweat a lot (combination of genetics, hormones and new mass), I get out of breath a lot easier and I feel a bit lethargic lately. If I don't get 8 hours of sleep, I am useless and sometimes feel sick all day. Rest is so important!!

OK, can't type anymore, forearms are pumping up something fierce! LOVIN IT!!!
Iv been having some of those same symptoms lately. Iv gained 32 lbs in 7 weeks. Granted some is fat and water I still love the size and strenght Iv gotten. Typing is also a bitch, lol. Bro your making nice gains, just stick with it. Your getting good.
Holy shit, time for an update!

Not sure how but I've dropped 10lbs since the 18th. I'm now at 265 fresh out of the shower. Strength has still gone up, not quite as fast as before, but at least I'm not loosing. Took two weeks to put 5lbs on my 5x5 flat bench. I locked the diet down a bit more over the last week so I think that's where some of the weight loss is coming from. Between that, and the home-brew tren, I seem to be melting. I sweat the whole night through and run hot all day so I guess it's almost like being on clen. I should come in around 10% after I loose another 21lbs. Hoping I can do that in about 6 weeks time.

Dropped the Winstrol (winny) a couple weeks ago so right now my cycle looks like this:
Test Prop 150mg/day
Tren Ace 150mg/day
Letrozole 2mg/day
HCG 500ius/EOD

After the 6 weeks of cutting, I'm probably gonna drop down to a bridge dose on the test. Thinking just 250mg/week of enan. I'll get blood work and liver panels done again at that point. I plan to start HGH at that time as well. If all is going well, that is also where I plan to try slin for the first time. I'm going to use Humalog and work up to 10iu's 4 times a week after workouts. I've done a ton of research and will continue to do so. As long as I keep my diet really tight, I think I'll get HUGEerer. If all goes well, I would like to enter my first competition about a year from now.

Anyone have a good place to get schedules for all the state and national competitions?
Rookie here!
My Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) comes in a 5000iu amp, I heard u just draw what you need each time, then put it in the fridge, is this true?
How long will it keep?

In sterile water 30 days, and bac water 60 days is what Ive heard and seen many times over
Quick Update:
I ballooned up to 270 for two days, then settled back at 267. Pretty happy with that. 36" pants still fit so fat gain isn't too bad.

I've been having huge problems with injection pain. Not sure what's going on, but I had a quad shot hat left me limping for 4 days so far. Still swelling, redness or anything else, just really sore. Glutes are the same. SUCKS!!! I'll get through it though. The ED injects are a PITA and at the same time I kinda like them. :)

How long do you inject for? Keep the syringe relatively still while you position, inject, and remove it?

Good stuff bro, growing like a weed.. or something that grows a lot lol