First Cycle M-stane


New member
Hey all, i think i am going to keep a log for my M-stane cycle. Any help with this cycle would be great, so let me know. Here is my plan:

Silymarin Milk Thistle 1000mg/day. (Cont. Through PCT)
Hawthorne Berry 565mg/day. (Cont. Through PCT)
Multi-Vitamin 1/day (Cont. Through PCT)
M-Stane 20mg/day (One @ Morning One @ Night)

Nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg

Any tips or anything i need to add?
P.S. This is my first cycle. I am 5'10, weight about 138lbs, bench 150 or so. I am looking for weight gains and strength gains that i can keep.
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could i get some help or is everyone just gonna read the post then forget about it?!

I know you guys know how this works better than i do and can offer help.
Hey all, i think i am going to keep a log for my M-stane cycle. Any help with this cycle would be great, so let me know. Here is my plan:

Silymarin Milk Thistle 1000mg/day.
Hawthorne Berry 565mg/day.
Multi-Vitamin 1/day
M-Stane 20mg/day (One @ Morning One @ Night)

post cycle therapy (pct):
Nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg

Any tips or anything i need to add?
P.S. This is my first cycle. I am 5'10, weight about 138lbs, bench 150 or so. I am looking for weight gains and strength gains that i can keep.

Well, usually people opt for something a little lighter than M-Stane for a first cycle like H-Drol or Epi. Iwouldn't say don't do it, but as a first cycle using a SD clone you might not be able to adapt to any sides you might get without some experience using prohormones. As far as your post cycle therapy (pct) is concerned, you'd need to keep some sort of liver support going because SD will beat the shit out of i and a test booster at the very least.
Maybe, if you want to run M-Stane as a first cycle, you should pulse it instead of running 20mg a day straight through.
Throw in a bottle of N2-Guard for your on cycle support, maybe even a bottle of HCGenerate if your funds permit. PCT, throw in some DAA w/ that Nolva. Like Paul said, SD is no joke, if you're serious about running this, do a little more research on it before you jump in blind. The sides you will most likely experience are real.
Throw in a bottle of N2-Guard for your on cycle support, maybe even a bottle of HCGenerate if your funds permit. PCT, throw in some DAA w/ that Nolva. Like Paul said, SD is no joke, if you're serious about running this, do a little more research on it before you jump in blind. The sides you will most likely experience are real.

true that bro
What sides am i looking at?

I have seen 2 friends of mine run 2 cycles of m-stane so far, in a very irresponsible manner may i add, practically back to back.

I would continue all the daily supps through my post cycle therapy (pct) as well, as my funds are tight, i will add N2Guard and HCGenerate if i can afford it, where do you suggest i get these things?

and what is DAA? I want to make sure i do this as safe as possible, so i can get more things for my post cycle therapy (pct) to ensure. Should i add Clomid, or just a test booster?
What sides am i looking at?

I have seen 2 friends of mine run 2 cycles of m-stane so far, in a very irresponsible manner may i add, practically back to back.

I would continue all the daily supps through my post cycle therapy (pct) as well, as my funds are tight, i will add N2Guard and HCGenerate if i can afford it, where do you suggest i get these things?

and what is DAA? I want to make sure i do this as safe as possible, so i can get more things for my post cycle therapy (pct) to ensure. Should i add Clomid, or just a test booster?

Bro, how old are you? if you've been lifting for a while and don't know what DAA is, maybe you should do some research or wait before running a cycle.
and as far as sides are concerned, when you start having painful back pumps, do you know how to remedy that? or if you start suffering from lerhargy, do you have some thing to help push you past that feeling in the weight room? juat because your friends ran it "irresponsibly" and seeem okay doesn't mean you should dive in blind. what doean't happen to one guy could happen pretty bad to another.
Bro, how old are you? if you've been lifting for a while and don't know what DAA is, maybe you should do some research or wait before running a cycle.
and as far as sides are concerned, when you start having painful back pumps, do you know how to remedy that? or if you start suffering from lerhargy, do you have some thing to help push you past that feeling in the weight room? juat because your friends ran it "irresponsibly" and seeem okay doesn't mean you should dive in blind. what doean't happen to one guy could happen pretty bad to another.

I am not familair with all these abreviations used on this website. I know what D-aspartic acid is. was unsure what DAA meant as i see so many unknown abreviatons. And this is why i came to this forum, to get help with these things and understand it before i start a cycle, sheesh. No need for the aggression, i am asking for help, and i am trying to do the research, that is why i am asking these questions. I also believe that 5mg taurine 2-3x a day, potassium, and water intake would help with the back pumps?

WTF man?!?!

seriously you're asking for injuries to go on cycle now. I thought i started early and I had reached a BW of 185 and benched 250 before i started anything same height as you. AND i regret starting when i did.

you're asking for nothing but sides, injuries and shutdown.
Hey bro. I am almost identical to you. I am 6'1 155. I was thinking about starting ph and getting big and stuff until people on here let me see how stupid I was being. Now im considering not to even use the PH I already bought.
Hey bro. I am almost identical to you. I am 6'1 155. I was thinking about starting ph and getting big and stuff until people on here let me see how stupid I was being. Now im considering not to even use the PH I already bought.

We aren't saying you're stupid. We're saying if you're young enough to have strong test levels, you should be taking advantage of that first. Because AAS and PH's supress natural test levels, you'd be pretty much wasting something that us older guys still wish we had...high natural testosterone levels. And do you guys think you've reached a plateau as far as concerned? I mean, you have to eat and train hard until you reach a.point that seems like you can't go further.
you gotta max yourself out naturally first bro, you shouldn't supplement because it seems like an easier way to pack some pounds on.
We aren't saying you're stupid. We're saying if you're young enough to have strong test levels, you should be taking advantage of that first. Because AAS and PH's supress natural test levels, you'd be pretty much wasting something that us older guys still wish we had...high natural testosterone levels. And do you guys think you've reached a plateau as far as concerned? I mean, you have to eat and train hard until you reach a.point that seems like you can't go further.
you gotta max yourself out naturally first bro, you shouldn't supplement because it seems like an easier way to pack some pounds on.

I think what me and this guy and many others share. Is wanting to hit that plataue faster than we could without. Why take 5 years to do it when you could do it in 8 months. Its a lot of the thinking we have.

Like this guy, I mostly just want to take one cycle to get myself lookin real buff and continue to work out to keep most of it.

Although, I dont know ho wmuch one cycle could fuck me up.
I think what me and this guy and many others share. Is wanting to hit that plataue faster than we could without. Why take 5 years to do it when you could do it in 8 months. Its a lot of the thinking we have.

Like this guy, I mostly just want to take one cycle to get myself lookin real buff and continue to work out to keep most of it.

Although, I dont know ho wmuch one cycle could fuck me up.

well, if you're hellbent on it, something much milder than M-Stane would be a better option. SD clones are pretty serious. even think about a non-methylated PH because they are known to be a little milder on your body.
say i still end up going through and taking a cycle of m-stane, what would u suggest i add to my post cycle therapy (pct)? Also should i had taurine 5mg 2-3x a day, creatine, and fish oil?
no one should suggest anything because you're the size of the average 7th grader.

your joints will get all fucked up and you will have a hard time lifting or doing a lot of things later on. the fact that you're barely benching more than your BW tells me you haven't been properly lifting very long. thus your joints won't be able to support your new mass.

put in the time to prepare your body - you'll be better off.
It's not that I'm small, I am just lean, athletic figure. I weighed in this morning at 134, but I still think my bench is around 155-160 max. I think instead of starting a SuperDrol cycle I will change it to H-Drol. I will also add creatine 1x a day after workouts, taurine 2-3x a day @ 5mg, fish oil, and should I add ZMA pills throughout the whole cycle for increased testosterone or just during post cycle therapy (pct)?
It's not that I'm small, I am just lean, athletic figure. I weighed in this morning at 134, but I still think my bench is around 155-160 max. I think instead of starting a SuperDrol cycle I will change it to H-Drol. I will also add creatine 1x a day after workouts, taurine 2-3x a day @ 5mg, fish oil, and should I add ZMA pills throughout the whole cycle for increased testosterone or just during PCT?

how old are you and how long have you been lifting?

serious. i know you're impatient (like everyone) and want results now but at the expense of tearing tendons? want to have nagging injuries that haunt you the rest of your life? the fact that your weight is low and your lifts seem low means you haven't been in a gym much.

zma for PCT? are you going to take anything else?
It's not that I'm small, I am just lean, athletic figure. I weighed in this morning at 134, but I still think my bench is around 155-160 max. I think instead of starting a SuperDrol cycle I will change it to H-Drol. I will also add creatine 1x a day after workouts, taurine 2-3x a day @ 5mg, fish oil, and should I add ZMA pills throughout the whole cycle for increased testosterone or just during PCT?

You need to add at least 100lbs to your bench before even considering this shit. I'm willing to bet my house that your other lifts are probably around that much as well. Your posts demonstrate you have no idea what you're getting into.

I was in your shoes when I was 17. 6' 135lbs and "willing to do anything" to put on some muscle. Well I met a former NPC competitor and he set me up. In a year I had put on 40lbs of muscle while my bf increased by only 2-3%. Shockingly, the basis of the diet was eating more than I thought possible and getting stronger. Just throw your mstane in the freezer and bring it out when you're part of the bigger and stronger crowd at your gym.
Good advice by everyone on here. It's the joint/tendon injuries that would probably sideline you probably in your 2nd week of this ph. The strength gains come quick! But, if your body's not ready for it, you could give yourself some lifelong nagging injuries. Not to mention the hormonal side of all of this.
M-Stane was surprisingly potent to me. Then I discovered they used a product to enhance bioavailability . 60 pills is enough.... I may sound blasphemes but I saw better gains on m-stane than I ever did on beastdrol or other big names... I had only used a low dose of test e before that... Let it do the gaining, u just train hard and eat right, superdrol craves carbs. I personally grab glucosamine , and start loading a week before hand. My first oral cycle was superdrol and halo! Whoa ... I just didn't expect those gains , I kept pushing harder and harder(cuz it's fun) my joints hurt for a few weeks after cycle..... I've seen ppl with virgin receptors stick large quantities of multiple steroids in their muscle... I see that being more ridiculous. Here's another fact, tho harsh on liver ( Pfff it's 3 or 4 weeks) milk thistle is great for liver,HORID ON RECEPTORS.... Id say that dose every few nights before bed with lots of water. Take coenzymeQ10, fish oil A LOT. Pct looks good , push hard and fight to keep your gains... If I had known better I wld have done a better oral cycle the first time/ the compex I had was 30 mills super a day, 75 halo a day.... I bounced back pretty good, but then did lots more research... I would NEVER recomend those doses for your first few cycles.... After post cycle therapy (pct), take at least another whole month off, or get some injects . I rotate around... Time off is important