first cycle macros (yes another one of these threads lol)


New member
Right so on my first cycle i plan on bulking at 500-1000 cal surplus.
people giving advice towards macros usually say 40/40/20 , 50/30/20 etc...
Personally i dont think that this gives a very precise number as people are different weights and a specific ratio or percentage must be tailored to that person.
I read on simply shredded that a mesomorph like myself on a lean bulk should consume around 1.3g/lb protein, 0.45g/lb and then fill the rest of the cals with carbs.
But as i'll be running a test e cycle with 4 week dbol kicker, i was thinking of tailoring it to 1.5g/lb protein , 0.5g/lb fat and then filling the rest of the cals with carbs.
does this sound ok?
I've been looking through 3j posts but i cant find any where he gives specific macro reuirements, its usually just diet samples and explanations
gotcha guess I missed surplus when reading

I'm currently 800cals over eating clean foods
only. Got a pretty solid diet going based off of
3js bulking sample. been on it the last 7 weeks
and gained 10 lbs with little fat.

With that diet and cycle you should blow up!
looks good.