First cycle need a little advice


New member
So i just started my first cycle im stacking sus 250mg with Test-E 250mg. Shot first time on thurs 1/2 cc of each. I was thinking i should do this every mon and thurs but my friend(doing the same cycle) says 1cc of each once a week. Like i said this is my first time so im sure if either are correct just wanted some experienced opinions.

Also i shot my my thigh with 22g 1" needle and my leg was super sore the next couple days. Is that just the way it is or should I get a different size? Or shoot delts? or both?

Any advice would be very helpful and much appreciated
I played football in high school and worked out pretty hard at least 4 days a week (weighed 215 back then) and then slacked off a good bit after i graduated up until about 3 months ago i started going back to working like i did in high school. Also i have a relatively high metabolism
Light for your height, and not close to the proper age. My brother is 6'3, in high school right now and weighs 300 natural. Fat and strong as an ox. Plays football.

You should be like 215-220 before wanting to use and closer to 25yrs old. If I were you, I'd gather some Clomid and Nolva stop pinning after getting them and do a 4 week PCT to get your natural test working again. As quickly as possible.

This of course depends on how long you've been pinning the Test E? If it's more than three weeks.. then you'll be shut down for 5-6wks; a month and a half minimum but probably a little closer to two months.. I'd do Clomid and Nolva to ensure I recover and can focus on making gains naturally again.

Discuss a diet plan with 3J if you're serious enough. He'll put twenty to thirty pounds on you, easy.
I played football in high school and worked out pretty hard at least 4 days a week (weighed 215 back then) and then slacked off a good bit after i graduated up until about 3 months ago i started going back to working like i did in high school. Also i have a relatively high metabolism

so you know the first thing im going to tell you is that youre not ready for gear right? you dont weight enough and youre too young
I've only shot the test-E once about 3 days ago so would i be alright to just stop or would I need PCT? I've tried clomid oral before but it messed with my stomach and my appetite. I didn't make through half a bottle. I know I'm a little young but I've been the same height and width for past 2 or 3 years if that has anything do with it. And as for my weight Ill shoot for the 215-220 area before doing this cycle. I just weighed myself and Im 199 so a diet plan to help me reach that weight from 3J would be greatly appreciated