First Cycle NEED HELP,...!......!....


New member
Okay, so this is my first cycle, and I wanna make sure I do it right. So right now I have 2 vials
1 10 ml 100 mg/ml vial of Test P
1 10 ml 250 mg/ml vial of Test E
and 1 bottle of what my friend said was a mix between clomid and arimidol. (I will update on what the name is, I just asked him)
And I am getting HCG in 1 week

Now for my questions
I trust my friend, but not his recommendation.

Question 1
He gave me 8 needles, and said to mix the Test E & P and to inject in my cheek once a week - is that right? What would you recommend? (I read a lot and didn't see much about mixing)
So that would be 2.5 CC's a week of the mixture

Question 2
I haven't decided if I am going to start the hcg right as I see shrinkage or after the cycle, what are your thoughts?

(keep in mind this is my first cycle, and I live in an area that this stuff is EXTREMELY hard to get, so what I said I have, is all I have to use.)
Also, I plan on starting tonight or tomorrow
Age 20, but look 17
height 6'
weight 135-140
I have been working out for the past 2 years and dieting for steroids the past couple months
Based on those stats, it's obvious that there is a problem with your diet. Your diet should be a lifestyle and not "dieting for steroids". Here's what's going to happen if you go in a cycle now: You will loose all your gains once you come off of it and will be stuck on TRT for life.

I would really advise you to just focus on your diet, if you do that, you'll be packing on muscle in no time. And while you do that, take the time to read the stickies and gain knowledge on AAS. Then once you're 25 at around 190-200lbs with a good body fat percentage, you can go on a cycle.

Contact 3J for a dieting plan, he's the best of the best when it comes to diet.
NEED HELP ASAP, first cycle, cycle help only

I am 20, look 17
I have a diet ready for when I start cycling and after.
I weigh 135-140
PLEASE JUST ANSWER ON YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CYCLE, not that I shouldn't do it, BUT THE RIGHT WAY (or just a safe way to get the best results) TO DO IT BASED OFF THE BELOW >>

Okay, so this is my first cycle, and I wanna make sure I do it right. So right now I have 2 vials
1 10 ml 100 mg/ml vial of Test P
1 10 ml 250 mg/ml vial of Test E
and 1 bottle of what my friend said was a mix between clomid and arimidol. (I will update on what the name is, I just asked him)
And I am getting HCG in 1 week

Now for my questions
I trust my friend, but not his recommendation.

Question 1
He gave me 8 needles, and said to mix the Test E & P and to inject in my cheek once a week - is that right? What would you recommend? (I read a lot and didn't see much about mixing)
So that would be 2.5 CC's a week of the mixture

Question 2
I haven't decided if I am going to start the hcg right as I see shrinkage or after the cycle, what are your thoughts?

(keep in mind this is my first cycle, and I live in an area that this stuff is EXTREMELY hard to get, so what I said I have, is all I have to use.)
Also, I plan on starting tonight or tomorrow
Still no reason to start another thread! A mod will just merge the two together. Plus you were given sound advice. If your looking to get what you only want to hear then this isn't the place.
Sorry if it was confusing, but if taking the cycle is the "Right way," can I please get advice on how to take the above substances, right now. I would rather be given a safe way, then just doing what I think is right
You were given "the right way"! You were told your stats are inadequate. Your too young. You don't have the proper shit to cycle with! You were even given a link to read! Wtf???!!!
You obviously aren't educated enough yet mate.

That you think 8 needles is enough for a cycle...think it matters that you look 17....are looking to inject test p once a week when it has a 3 day halflife....and then you mentioned injecting into your cheek rather than muscle.

Basically you showed us that you've done ZERO research or at least didn't take any of the info you read it.

If you are 20 and had done the research and shown you really want to cycle, we'd consider helping you on your way.
At the moment, no one will help you as we'd be 100% aiding a disaster.
Basically in a nut shell, you need to grow up. Your looking for instant results. All the steroids in the world will not give you instant results. You gotta get your diet and training in order. It's insulting to the people who do this shit 24/7!
holy fuck you guys literally are no help whatsoever, i'm sorry but every fucking time I see someone asking a question like this, everyone immediately says no don't do it. Years ago I was looking up the same shit and heard wait till 20 etc. Well I've waited and i'm ready. I said cheek, whoopdy fucking doo, obviously I meant into the muscle. Sorry to blow up, but you guys give this advice and people just do it anyway, why not do what you say you are trying to do and help them do it safely so they aren't going into it blind. If I don't have everything I need tell me something else I need to throw in and how to cycle it.
You don't even have enough gear, you have two different esters. which is fine if you're going to front load. but you also have 8 syringes. in less you have spare needles you wont have enough. Obviously you aren't ready. You shouldnt take clomid during cycle so I don't know why you want that mixed with your AI. You need nolvadex to ensure a better recovery. These are things you should know before you even cycle. wait and get the right amount of gear.
You telling a safe way to cycle is much more help then just saying no. I know most of you started before 25, and thousands of others, help them do it right.
holy fuck you guys literally are no help whatsoever, i'm sorry but every fucking time I see someone asking a question like this, everyone immediately says no don't do it. Years ago I was looking up the same shit and heard wait till 20 etc. Well I've waited and i'm ready. I said cheek, whoopdy fucking doo, obviously I meant into the muscle. Sorry to blow up, but you guys give this advice and people just do it anyway, why not do what you say you are trying to do and help them do it safely so they aren't going into it blind. If I don't have everything I need tell me something else I need to throw in and how to cycle it.

Sorry kid, you're way to dumb to cycle.


Do I need to put it in some other language for you too?
