First Cycle NEED HELP,...!......!....

YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH GEAR TO RUN A PROPER CYCLE. you realize that you take the test and pct and do everything right, there is still a chance that you will never be able to produce natural testosterone again right? You want to risk it for gains you wont keep once you stop?
There are 100s of good cycles posted on here that list everything needed and lots of advice to implement it.. Be a man,, take the time and read and learn and prepare,, even if u do the perfect cycle right you wont get any results cause you sound like a lazy little boy (you won't do the work needed in diet and gym, steroids won't help)
No one wants to tell you how and what to get because they don't want to be part of your doom

How do I know you won't do the work in the gym and diet- cause your lazy and won't even take the time to research and learn and protect yourself when it comes to AAS .
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Agree with Rousch, at least read some of the First cycle threads:

Also, your argument of "I'm going to do it anyway so why not help me out" is flawed as then we're accessories to a train wreck.

As stated, if you had come to us showing time spent researching and asked for guidance that was more along the lines of correcting a few missed aspects...we'd have probably helped out. Whereas 80% of what you'd said is wrong and worrying.
All I can get is what I listed above, that is why I was hoping someone would be able to help me create a cycle with those items. Don't worry if I'll do it or not, that's on me, but giving me info on how to cycle it would help prevent a lot of shit
All I can get is what I listed above, that is why I was hoping someone would be able to help me create a cycle with those items. Don't worry if I'll do it or not, that's on me, but giving me info on how to cycle it would help prevent a lot of shit
You obviously aren't educated enough yet mate.

That you think 8 needles is enough for a cycle...think it matters that you look 17....are looking to inject test p once a week when it has a 3 day halflife....and then you mentioned injecting into your cheek rather than muscle.

Basically you showed us that you've done ZERO research or at least didn't take any of the info you read it.

If you are 20 and had done the research and shown you really want to cycle, we'd consider helping you on your way.
At the moment, no one will help you as we'd be 100% aiding a disaster.

He doesn't know what the hell he is doing, but it won't be a disaster just a hilariously bad first cycle. What is the worst that can happen to this kid? Hell that tiny amount of gear can't even shut you down effectively. He needs to save that gear for a few years, train hard and then stock up on more gear for a future cycle. He does not have enough test to even run 1/3 of a normal beginner cycle.
All I can get is what I listed above, that is why I was hoping someone would be able to help me create a cycle with those items. Don't worry if I'll do it or not, that's on me, but giving me info on how to cycle it would help prevent a lot of shit

You will not get the results you want with that tiny amount of gear. Save it for a couple of years and do more research.
Test Prop you pin ED or EoD, over 8 weeks that's 28-56 barells minimum.

Nolva you'll want to run for atleast 4 weeks at 40mg per day, so you need at least 1120mg.
Clomid you'd be best at 75/50/50/50 so that's 1575mg.

Test E you pin E3.5D so that's at least 2x a week and Test E is usually run 12-14 weeks.
E.g. that's another 28 barrels right there (unless pinning the prop and e at the same time then obviously less).

edit: can't actually see where you posted how much Test you're taking a week so no idea how many vials you'll need.
re-edit: changed needles to barrels, obviously needles are 2x the barrels as you draw with 1 and inject with another.
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Multiple that total needle amount by two - I use two needles per injection - 18 g needles for drawing gear and 23 g needles for pinning the gear
Op you have been given the ology stickie to read all the info is in there even the use of prop. Why do you feel the need to be spoon fed? You need to put in the effort to get results. If you can't do the basic research on your own what makes you think you'll put the effort in on training and diet to actually make any gains.

Not trying to brow beat you brother just making an observation from reading through this thread.
Guess what... I merged your two threads together. Please refrain from starting multiple threads with the exact same questions. I have other things I could be doing rather than merging your threads. Thanks.
Tell me what I need in order to complete the cycle, and if I'm doing it at this age no matter what, why not tell me how!

How about if you were 15 years old and going through puberty? Should we feel obligated to teach you how to run a cycle because you say you are going to do it no matter what?

Surely you can see how this logic can be applied endlessly and taken to its logical conclusion. At least I hope you can examine this argument of yours and see that it is logically flawed.