First cycle of dbol Help!


New member
Hello guys, I'm considering starting a dbol (Methandienone) cycle, got them from a friend and it's packaged (Euro-pharma) which I heard is reputable. First off my two friends are taking them completely wrong, they are taking just dbol, no test and no PCT. The one has tits, no joke. But anyways I want to do my cycle right, I'm 24 years old, I seem to be a hard gainer 5'11 currently 155lbs. I constantly eat good food intake for 1-2 months I ate no less than 4,000 calories, some days maxing out at 5,000 and Intaking a gallon of water a day, I did that for a 1-2months got up to 171lbs and dropped to 155lbs in 2 weeks after going back to normal 2,200 calories a day. I'm having a very hard time with bicep and tricep growth. My question is where is the best place to get test and PCT? I will make sure I also intake 1 gallon of water a day get back to 4,000 calories and take liver protectors. I plan on running 4 weeks at 20-30mg a day of dbol. I'm also planning to run a 4-day split excercise with 3 rest days, while still taking dbol on my rest days. Help?
Your problem is that 2200 calories is enough for a women, but not an active man. You simply need to eat more. You have proven you can grow if you eat food. You don't need AAS right now. You need to tape a fork to your hand.

No asking for sources here. Please read the site rules. Ask your buddies where they get theirs.

Read the link in my signature. It will give you a lot of good info about putting a cycle together for when you are ready. Get to 190-200 pounds with <15% body fat before you start using AAS.