First cycle of test and deca !


New member
Am 177 65 kg and this is my first cycle I wanted to ask if what am doing is right or wrong am going to stop tell week three since I don't want to bulk up a lot am taking medications with this to prevent the side effects and also with anabolic pills please tell me if I am doing it right or am doing it wrong thank you
-Week one
Saturday 50ml Deca
Wednesday 50ml Deca & 250ml Testa
-Week two
Saturday 50ml Deca
Wednesday 100ML deca & 250 testa
-Week three
Saturday 100ml deca
Wednesday 100ml deca & 250ml testa
-Week four
Saturday 100ml deca
Wednesday 100ml deca & 250ml testa
-Week five
Saturday 100ml deca
Wednesday 100ml deca & 250ml testa
-And if u have a week 6
Saturday 50ml deca
Wednesday 250ml testa only
Am 177 65kg and 20 yo Ive also got anabalion bills 50 mg please tell me what should I do cause my coach doesn't get shit
So young OP. Unless your goal is to become a pro BB or Powerlifter there is no reason to start any gear a 20 and almost everyone here will agree.
Not aiming for That of course . Can I use oral steriods such as anabalion gradually until I reach 50 mg per intake ? Or it's just as Bad
Not aiming for That of course . Can I use oral steriods such as anabalion gradually until I reach 50 mg per intake ? Or it's just as Bad

It is just as bad OP. It will also suppress your natural test production. If you are dead set on cycling stick to a test only cycle and look into using an AI and hcg on cycle, and the proper pct after cycle. I still think that you should wait a couple of years, but if you insist do it the right way. Read a couple of the stickies and learn a few more things before making a decision.
Thanks for the fast reply really appriciate it man . I'll defintally do my homework about what u told me and go from there
There are no quick answers with aas. You gotta do your homework just like when you were in school. I provided you the cheat sheet...