First cycle one sus,test e and adding deca


New member
Hello, I currently weigh 185 pound 5"9 12 % body fat. Im 24, I and curretly taking Sustanon 250, 1 cc every three days and I mix test e 250 half a cc every 3 days. Im taking GP and I been on it 4 weeks and I don't feel any boost but can see minor about to switch to this other brand called PharmacomStore Certified Gear i hear its much better but back to my point I am about to add deca 300 one cc every 3 days. Now is this okay? should I take just sus 250 with deca 300 one cc of each twice a week, because I'm only taking a half cc of test e-250 every 3 days or..should i take test e 250 one cc and one cc of deca 300 every 3 days? i want to do those for 12 weeks then take bold 200 for 4 weeks and be done with it. this is my first cycle and I'm about to go to boot camp just doing this to get ready and look good but I work out at the gym for at least 2 hours Monday-Friday I'm very committed. I was think about adding Tren ace or Winstrol stanos 50 in it , but dunno how to take all this. I was hoping you guys could help me i really want to keep most of my gains that's why i was thinking of adding bold in at the end of my cycle. i have 2 10ml vials of bold200 but don't know how to take it. is hgh any good? should i start taking dianabol oral pills with this how much a day?
Keep it simple with just test for your first cycle. Test e is a slow ester and doesn't kick in for about 4 weeks. Do you have a post cycle therapy (pct) planned or an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) incase of gyno. You don't wanna mess yourself up before you leave. Better have a good post cycle therapy (pct) planned if your going to bootcamp. You defently want your natty test levels back up. But anyhow in my opinion id just stick with one test or another.
no i havent figured one out, what would be a good preference for a pct? i was thinking maybe arimidex or clomid what seems to have better gains test e or sus? and if i run deca how long should i run it? can i only do it 8 weeks
Well you got to wait two weeks after your last pin b4 you start your post cycle therapy (pct). Then is run Clomid 50/50/50/50 that's what ido. I'm not sure when you go to basic but your post cycle therapy (pct) won't be over till about 6 weeks after your last pin. So I'd make sure you complete your post cycle therapy (pct) before basic. I'm on a test cyp only cycle now. Which cypionate and e are pretty similar. I'm running it 500mg split up to 250 twice a week. pinning sun and Thursday. I have Letro on hand incase of gyno and Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct).
I'd wait to run deca. I'd stick to a test only cycle so if your gyno prone your not gonna get yourself all screwed up. Specially before basic. You can accomplish great gains with a test only cycle.
With test and deca didnt get noticable results till week 6 then blew up 15 pounds.had bad back acne after cycle cuz of deca only ran it for 9 weeks .two test is all you need wait a few more weeks till you dwitch brands trust
okay the minimum for post cycle therapy (pct) is 6 weeks after my last pin, and I'm running mostly sus 260 twice a week and only test e 250mg once a week total and the reason I'm taking that test e is so i can kick start it with sus i was thinking about going straight to the test e 250 but oh well this is a good little mix i like it so far..I guess ill save that bold/equipoise 200 I herd its a good combo with testosterone and ill scratch out the deca.