First Cycle - Police it up please.


New member
Hello all,

This will be my first cycle and I'm just looking for input on how effective you think it will be and if there are any areas I should change up on it. Also, are the dosages good and should I plan to dose ever 3-4 days or once a week? It is my understanding that I should split the orals morning and evening.

1 250mg Test E, 200mg Deca
2 500mg Test E, 400mg Deca
3 500mg Test E, 400mg Deca, 25mg Proviron
4 500mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 10mg Nolvadex
5 500mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 25mg Proviron
6 500mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 10mg Nolvadex
7 500mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 25mg Proviron
8 250mg Test E, 200mg Deca, 10mg Nolvadex
11 50mg Clomid
12 50mg Clomid

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This will be very ineffective. Not a good cycle by any means.

How old are you? Height? Weight. Body fat %? Years training?
This will be very ineffective. Not a good cycle by any means.

How old are you? Height? Weight. Body fat %? Years training?

I am 31, 6'1'', 235 and 14% body fat. I've trained on and off since I was 15 and have currently been lifting regularly for 4 years.
ok.. something is wrong with the forums link tool.. its a sticky in the anabolic forum.. begginers guide to steroids and nutrition
Thank you all! I've spent a lot of time reading and researching on this forum and other places. I have invested in a more appropriately designed cycle and will be using test E @ 500mg/week for 12 or maybe 14 weeks. Some of the information I've seen says that maintaining your gains can be more easily achieved by extending the cycle a bit longer and that 12 weeks with test E would be the bare minimum for a long ester. Aromasin will be used for AI, Clomid and Tamoxifen for PCT. HCG will be included for all weeks on test, should I discontinue HCG the same week as test or continue for the two weeks prior to PCT? Letrozole is on hand in case of any gyno issues that may arise. I have DBOL as well but I'm leaning towards not using it, if I do it would be for a kicker only the first 4 weeks. There seems to be mixed preference about a first cycle and using it to kick-start. Again, thank you for diverting me from having a bad first experience with juice.
Please WHY make this so complicated. Simple Simon, ... stats first, complete with history and goals. Then lay out your cycle in the correct outline form. See other outlined cycles.

First cycle Test 500mg week with Ai day one (1) then proper PCT, calories with proper diet and that's it. Of course train like a beast. Good form positive and negative lifts with mind muscle connection. Simple program but hard doin it consistent.

When you and you body learn more do it again then stack with ?? on the third cycle, to be determined with education and gains and self-control See that's all you need to know on your first
two (2) cycles... Good luck
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