first cycle questions and cycle


New member
hello, so i know this gets said alot but i'd like some help on my first cycle. A little about me and my stats
27 m 17% bf
5.7 198
bench 365 squat 485 dead 465 (for you powerlifters out there)
Now i'm quite familiar with Prohormones as i've done over six so far with great success only mild gyno on my third cycle but got it taken care of. trial and error amirite.
ok so on to the meat and potatoes. This is what i have available to me so this is what i have to use
tren e 200mg/ml
sust 250
test p 500 mg/ml

i got prami and letro for ai and prolactin

as well as clomid for pct

im taking and omega 3-6-9 with flax
multi vitamiin
and aminos.

so my question to you fine gents would be how much of what to dose?
im thinking taking 200 tren and 250 sust with 100 test p a wk and .25 prami ed not sure how much letro to take its 2.5 per ml

not looking to get huge i wanna be 200 with abs and low bf

my diet is on point and i've been wokring out since i was 15 lifting heavy and competing for the passed 2 years

please and thank you,
V/R El_kim

once i get everything down i will post pix and a daily log of everything i do feel and take
First cycle should be just test, AI, hCG and then followed by PCT. Give the sticky threads a read. As you said, you are not the first to ask about how to run a first cycle.
hey megatron,
yeah i have read the sticky's and they're really informative. you think even with my history in prohormones that i should just run the test?
I've taken methadrol extreme which has an extremely high anabolic value and had great results.
You have a bottle of test propionate dosed at 500mg/10 ml !? I doubt this, most is 100mg/ml

Your planning on running only 100 mg of test prop per week? You need to inject prop eod, how are you gonna do 100 mg a week,, should be 75-100 mg eod

You may not wanna run tren e on your first go around with tren... Tren ace is a far better choice

Prami and Letro for your AI!?? Spend $25 and get a regular AI, like arimidex or anostrazole (prami is for prolactin issues and can have nasty sides)

Personally I'd plan on building a first cycle around what you have more like this
Test prop weeks 1-6
Sustanon weeks 1-12
AI - arimidex .25 mg eod weeks 1-14
Hcg 500 iu a week duration of cycle
Pct - clomid and nolvadex weeks 14-18

Save the tren for another day, not first cycle, IMO
yeah my bad its 100 mg/ml at 5ml. i got a great deal on the prami and letro and read that for the tren its a must. i'd like to run tren ace but can't get that avaiable to me so working with what i have presented to me.
what doses should i run the sust at?
thank you for your advice
hey megatron,
yeah i have read the sticky's and they're really informative. you think even with my history in prohormones that i should just run the test?
I've taken methadrol extreme which has an extremely high anabolic value and had great results.

Prohormones don't count for much. Just Test for a first cycle.

And you have a lot to learn about putting a cycle together and how to use ancillaries. You need to do a lot more homework.
I agree I'm trying my best at putting this all together. I'm willing to learn and that's why I'm asking for advice. Just wanted to see what the best possible combination was with what I have available at the moment. I plan on doing this for the long haul and I'm not rushing into anything. also money isn't really an issue just want y'all's knowledge on how I should stack what I have.
yeah my bad its 100 mg/ml at 5ml. i got a great deal on the prami and letro and read that for the tren its a must. i'd like to run tren ace but can't get that avaiable to me so working with what i have presented to me.
what doses should i run the sust at?
thank you for your advice

Ok makes better sense now-
Prami - caber is good to have when running 19 Nors (tren, deca, NPP)-- I have both on hand,, but I've never had to use. Being proactive and Keeping e2 in check is first and foremost (prob why I never had prolactin issues either and never needed prami).. With the sustanon and propionate and the amount of test you may be running,, getting a regular AI like arimidex is key (heck click on the Lion at the top of the page and you'll have some in a few days).

The sustanon is a blend of four esters - long and short, with the larger % leaning towards longer - that's why I suggested going ahead and front loading with test p for the first 5-6 weeks as well. With the test p your total weekly mg may be in the 800 range,, but once the long ester of the sustanon kicks in you can drop the prop and maintain with 500-600 mg of sustanon.**

** total weekly mg is really gonna be dependent on your injection protocol and how comfortable you are injecting often (being you have no experience with injections and pip,, correct ?)
Ok makes better sense now-
Prami - caber is good to have when running 19 Nors (tren, deca, NPP)-- I have both on hand,, but I've never had to use. Being proactive and Keeping e2 in check is first and foremost (prob why I never had prolactin issues either and never needed prami).. With the sustanon and propionate and the amount of test you may be running,, getting a regular AI like arimidex is key (heck click on the Lion at the top of the page and you'll have some in a few days).

The sustanon is a blend of four esters - long and short, with the larger % leaning towards longer - that's why I suggested going ahead and front loading with test p for the first 5-6 weeks as well. With the test p your total weekly mg may be in the 800 range,, but once the long ester of the sustanon kicks in you can drop the prop and maintain with 500-600 mg of sustanon.**

** total weekly mg is really gonna be dependent on your injection protocol and how comfortable you are injecting often (being you have no experience with injections and pip,, correct ?)

Correct no experience with injections and I have no problem getting pinned as often as needed. Aw some I think that's what I'll go with. Much appreciated
Once you get an exact injection and mg protocol,set up, your AI in your possession, and your ready to start .. Post the plan and start a log