First cycle questions??!! Need answers!!


New member
Hi I am BRAND NEW to this forum. My name is Matt and I have some questions for you all concerning a first cycle of anabolic steroids.

I have been working out for 5 years now and decided to take the pulge finally and use steroids. I started weight lifting at 110 pounds. I was the skinny fuck in my class. Im 160 but people think im 180 because my legs still need "a lot of work." However, I have a few serious questions and concerns. Please be respectful. I am somewhat of a pussy when it comes to steroids. I am terrified of steroids because of the controversy surrounding them in the media.

Let me say there are a few factos to examine before giving me any advice, and i will very much appreciate good advice from any experts.

1.) I have a history of anger ( I am on antidepressants because of major depression) a doctor concluded that I suffer from major depression and I went through a year long "Major Depressive Epsidode" which created me to have serious mood swings, anger rages and even paranoia. I fucked up a lot of relationships at that period of my life. However, I have been medicated for over 3 months and feel very good. My anger is under control and I rarely feel depressed.
2.) What is a SAFE first cycle where I can gain 15 pounds . Im talking about the safest cycle. I know I sound like a pussy but I want to be safe.
3.) Where could I get the juice safely and for the cheapest price? I do not want to stack steroids. I have heard of people using bulking and cutting staks, I am not interested! I was thinking a TEST-only cycle with liver detox during and after the cycle followed by post cycle therapy (pct)??
4.) LAST QUESTION: WILL I HAVE TO STOP TAKING ANTI-depressants during the cycle? Then take them right after with post cycle therapy (pct) as i could have a possible onset case of depression induced by the cycling off the steroids.

I would appreciate serious advice. If anyone could answer or pm me, take the time out of your busy day, I would appreciate it. I probably sound like a fucking pussy but I am being honest. My situation is not a clean cut one, its fucking complex but I know there may be a way to gain a good 15 pounds.
It would:
increase confidence and self-esteem
good feelings
good body image

I do not plan on doing a second cycle (people are probably laughing once they hear this) but im one to stick to my guns. Just one good cycle followed by hard work in the gym.

thanks a lot for listening.
Never heard anyone being a pussy when it comes to steroids,
Some like myself are worried about injecting.

You won't have any problems with steroids you do a good amount of research pre cycle.

1. I am currently on first cycle of Test E, My mood has improved a little.
Feel more happy day to day.

2. Test E,P or C. You need to make sure your diet is in check.
Steroids don't add size food does.

3. Cant tell you where to get it, but look around here >>
If you run Test E i don't think you will need liver ,but you may for the AI
But i wouldn't worry to much.

4. Found this for you/
Originally Posted by Mr.50
Bro I have a long history with Depression and antidepressants (about 15 yrs) also a log history cycling. My experience is that if the antidepressants help the depression they will continue to help while on cycle. Also on cycle with test and antidepressants some of the side effects of the antidepressants will be better. I can tell you that no matter what the Dr. tells you that any SSRI antidepressant will cause weight gain and kill your sex drive. That may not seem so bad right now if you are depressed already so you don't care about sex. But it is a real problem when you start to feel better but still don't care about sex. Also there is some evidence that current antidepressants are actually damaging in the long run to the brain. My advice is that if you are severely depressed then take the antidepressants. If it is mild the look into other therapies. If you have access to tianeptine (French drug Stabalon) try that as it is an atypical antidepressant without weight gain or sexual side effects. incidentially the best experience with antidepressants I ever had was on imipramine which is a very old antidepressant. It is not a very "clean" drug meaning that it interacts with tons of other receptors in addition to the ones it is supposed to interact with. But overall the antidepressant effect was great, I actually had improvements in sexual function, weight loss, and increased visual stimulation by colors. The down side was that after about 9 months on it my liver had so up regulated the enzymes that metabolize it that even at a very high dosage I could not acheive a thereaputic blood level anymore. So it stopped working. Of course it was not a panacea, as there were other side effects. But those were all bearable and overall it was a better drug for me than all the other antidepressants.

I just recently finished a cycle and right now I am in post cycle therapy (pct). I am also weening myself off of my antidepressant and in the next week or so I will be making the switch to tianeptine to give it a try to see if I can obtain the same effectiveness without the weight gain and sexual side effects. I will let you know if it is as good as some say.

Need any more help don't be afraid to post it up or send me a PM.
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I know there are some steroids that interact with anti-depressants, i.e. welbutrin decreases the threshold for a seizure when combined with test.

If you're only expecting to gain 15lbs, maybe you should just focus on your diet more. A first cycle can add about 25lbs to your body, if done correctly.

To be on the safe side, if you do start a cycle, I'd start at a low dose of testosterone enthanate or cypionate @ 400mg per week, split into 2x a week for about 12-16 weeks. However long you prefer. 400mg is plenty test to get you started, and is a pretty low, but effective dose.
I know there are some steroids that interact with anti-depressants, i.e. welbutrin decreases the threshold for a seizure when combined with test.

If you're only expecting to gain 15lbs, maybe you should just focus on your diet more. A first cycle can add about 25lbs to your body, if done correctly.

To be on the safe side, if you do start a cycle, I'd start at a low dose of testosterone enthanate or cypionate @ 400mg per week, split into 2x a week for about 12-16 weeks. However long you prefer. 400mg is plenty test to get you started, and is a pretty low, but effective dose.

Injecting steroids is something I do not want to do?

Are they're any low dose of test oral steroids available that are effective?

I am interested in oral steroids, but i hear the liver and kidneys need to be protected because oral roids are toxic on the liver especially.

ANY advice?

thx to both of the people who left advice, it is all appreciated it
3.) Where could I get the juice safely and for the cheapest price?

I think everyone else missed the part where you blatantly ASKED FOR STEROIDS!!! You can't do that here. Read the rules.

I'm not getting into the anit-d thing. You sound young and inexperienced and I don't think anyone with anger issues should be using AAS.

Good luck.
4.) LAST QUESTION: WILL I HAVE TO STOP TAKING ANTI-depressants during the cycle? Then take them right after with PCT as i could have a possible onset case of depression induced by the cycling off the steroids.

OK, maybe i changed my mind.

Let me ask you this guy. First off, how old are you? Second, if this was even a possiblity (what you posted above), why in the fuck would you even wanna risk it? I mean c'mon, we all want great bodies, but at what cost? Do you really wanna take the chance of having another episode?

This whole thread is a mess i see but I'd like to hear how old you are and what your answers are to this.
OK, maybe i changed my mind.

Let me ask you this guy. First off, how old are you? Second, if this was even a possiblity (what you posted above), why in the fuck would you even wanna risk it? I mean c'mon, we all want great bodies, but at what cost? Do you really wanna take the chance of having another episode?

This whole thread is a mess i see but I'd like to hear how old you are and what your answers are to this.

22 years old.

I talked to a doctor a little bit about my situation. He gave me some good advice. Basically told me to put aside the thought of using steroids for a while and concentrate on my life. I think when the time is right, maybe this summer, I will give a first cycle a try.

If my head is in a good place and I am emotionally stable, I will be willing to take the risk of using steroids. I have been trying to put on as much muscle as possible. All my friends have an easy time bulking and cutting weight. For me, I barely ever gain or lose weight. It has been a long ride for me to even get to my current weight. However, I would like to still gain a lot more muscle.

Again, Im thinking about a standard Test-only cycle followed by post cycle therapy (pct). Nothing out of the ordinary or drastic, just simple.

The last thing I wanted to ask is are test-only based oral steroids available? Because I was under the notion that the majority of people inject pure test

And for any disses towards my post, I could give a fuck less. Im on here to get the best advice, not to impress any one or come off like "an internet tough guy" those ones are always the biggest pussies
And please if you give advice,

DO NOT SAY CONCENTRATE ON DIET? I know everyone cycling has to do and people weight lifting in general

However, I tried bulking up last winter eating a ridiculous amount of both protein and carbs. No luck, gained about 6 pounds. My metabolism is fast as hell.
1) I agree with your doctor. Take care of yourself as a whole before you start messing with your homeostasis.

2) Testosterone alone when you do decide to take the plunge.

3) There is such a thing as methylated oral testosterone, but you don't want to go that route. They can be quite harsh, are frequently faked (usually dbol, if anything), and don't work as well.

Good luck. I'm glad that you're thinking this through.

And please if you give advice,

DO NOT SAY CONCENTRATE ON DIET? I know everyone cycling has to do and people weight lifting in general

However, I tried bulking up last winter eating a ridiculous amount of both protein and carbs. No luck, gained about 6 pounds. My metabolism is fast as hell.

well then you did it wrong. If you are not gonna learn how to diet to get big... steroids won't do shit.

Good luck.
1) I agree with your doctor. Take care of yourself as a whole before you start messing with your homeostasis.

2) Testosterone alone when you do decide to take the plunge.

3) There is such a thing as methylated oral testosterone, but you don't want to go that route. They can be quite harsh, are frequently faked (usually dbol, if anything), and don't work as well.

Good luck. I'm glad that you're thinking this through.


thanks buddy, i appreciate the positive advice compared to all the negative shit im receiving.
So are there any safe oral steroids for a first cycle?
if there are may you please tell me which ones you would suggest
well then you did it wrong. If you are not gonna learn how to diet to get big... steroids won't do shit.

Good luck.

I did it wrong? Really?
I only did everything my buddy told me to do and hes former bodybuilder who won Beast of the East three times. SO I guess you know more then him?
And don't kid yourself, you don't, im not here to talk shit. BUT yes some people cannot gain weight from diet. Its called a highly fast metabolism.
Basically, I can keep going for years without results I want, wait for myself to fill out and pack on some pounds or take the plunge.
this "highly fast metabolism syndrome" you speak of is very common among my friends. Its not til i hang with them for a day that i realize it is total bullshit. I see what and how often they eat, they are simply lying to themselves about how much they eat...................period. anyone will gain muscle with a surplus of calories, as long as they are not running 15miles and wasting all that hard eating work they did. there is no doubt in my mind that you could gain weight with a surplus of calories, the rate at which you gain may vary...........BUT YOU WILL GAIN ON A SURPLUS. until you hit your genetic limit that is.
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well then you did it wrong. If you are not gonna learn how to diet to get big... steroids won't do shit.

Good luck.

Being afriad of needles dont make you a pussy. I find your video somewhat funny. But I did do a lot of research, and of course, im nervous about doing steroids.

and i cant do deadlifts because i had spinal surgery.
this "highly fast metabolism syndrome" you speak of is very common among my friends. Its not til i hang with them for a day that i realize it is total bullshit. I see what and how often they eat, they are simply lying to themselves about how much they eat...................period. anyone will gain muscle with a surplus of calories, as long as they are not running 15miles and wasting all that hard eating work they did. there is no doubt in my mind that you could gain weight with a surplus of calories, the rate at which you gain may vary...........BUT YOU WILL GAIN ON A SURPLUS. until you hit your genetic limit that is.

bro my pops is 140 pounds, my mom is 125

my uncles are huge as fuck, 250 ... but that probably dont mean shit

i started at 110 pounds, graduated high school at 130 bro. It isnt easy. I eat like a fucking pig

im not going to even sit here and say every fucking thing i eat but it is a disgusting amt probably 5000 cal. not includin shakes, only 1-2/day
i eat a shit load of carbs especially take carbs before my workout and after

i take 1.5/g of protein for each pound i weight roughly.

maybe you guys are big because of your genetics plus juice. ya bodybuilders bust their ass and diet like crazy, i understand.

im asking for advice, jesus chirst.

please i had surgery on my entire spine when i was 18 so i lost another 10 pounds of muscle

that would have probably been the perfect time to juice considering roids are good for muscle recovery and people recovering from surgery. i had a spinal surgery, 2 rods in my back and screws down my entire spine.